Trump: "In my second term, which we are sort of having now"

8 months ago

Trump: "In my second term, which we are sort of having now"

Let's think this through...

Many believe he is still CIC. He told us out right about what he called the "pause" We know well researched theories like devolution and COG. Smart dudes have pointed out the EO's that paint a picture.

Q told us that the people had to be shown not told. Military was the only way and that it had to be this way.

Does Trump have to tattoo "I am Q+" on his forehead? I mean how much more confirmation do you need?

We are witnessing the greatest psyop in human history.

Literally, we are watching a scripted movie to wake up and weoponize we the people.

The Vail has been lifted, and yet many still cannot see. Kek

The best is yet to come... But the flood gates are being opened in front of our eyes. Hold on frens. Shyts getting good.

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