P-Diddy Lawsuit | Crocus Shooting in Russia | CERN Experiments & Nazi Brookhaven | MKUltra Muppets2

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REBOOT - This is the Re-Stream Because the first one was sabotaged by signal jamming

I haven't streamed in awhile but feel like it would be irresponsible to stay silent right now. I have many insights into recent events outlined below and need to speak in greater detail about them.

Prepare for (un)natural disasters
-Hadron Collidors in CERN and Brookhaven
-Brookhaven not being mentioned
-Nazi History of Brookhaven - Media Blackout even in Altmedia-
-Aerial's X posts
-Hadron Collidor - Aerial - LHC - Brookhaven

P=Diddy - Jose Cruz IT
Uncle Jose is deceased - who is 'repurposing the name'? Is this cover for someone else?

Crocus City Hall - Russia - Blaming Muslims to stir up Anti-Islamic Sentiment - Similar tactic as San Bernadino Shooting - Russia did not take the bait - the rest of the world is figuring it out too - Full Disclosure - I had a relative who was involved with the San Bernadino shooting (in building when it happened) - I also have an aunt whose sister is part owner of Pro-Act Crisis Assault Training (yes, they train Crisis Actors). I feel like I should speak more about what I know.

CRUS - OC = Oak = Elon
Cro Q's (CUS)
Order of Nine Angles - Nazi Connections - 37-09A
It is not ISIS/ISIL - and what is that anyways? - CIA-MI6 Creations - Nazi Satanic cults who recruit street level gangs - look up recent O9A murders actually acknowledged by FBI

Hollywood Timelines - Why did Jim Henson, creator of The Muppets, have Mind Control themes in his early Family Films like The Muppet Movie and The Dark Crystal?

The Dark Crystal - Draining Essence is effectively a way of discussing Bio-Energetic Manipulation - Soft Kill Assassination by removing Bioplasma from a living person slowly until they die

The Muppet Movie - Kermit is MK ULTRA'd by Mel Brooks

Might review The Mice - Outer Limits again for a quick refresher...

If you haven't figured it out by now, my family is knee deep in secret projects involving the field of Energetics. I have relatives with significant relationships to Department of Energy National Security functions. It would be wrong for me to stay quiet when I am sitting on a lot of information that needs to be discussed more openly. I can't really stay quite right now.

I will also be quoting some posts by X-Twitter poster known as "Ariel". I'm not vouching for this person one way or the other. I'm just going to be quoting some of their material and want to acknowledge that they've posted quite a bit of accurate and obscure information lately

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