Origins of a NARCISSIST

11 months ago

Based on the search results, the origins of narcissism can be traced to several key factors:
Childhood experiences and parenting: The search results indicate that narcissism often stems from disturbances in early childhood relationships and attachment with primary caregivers, usually the parents. Narcissistic parents who fail to provide empathy, unconditional positive regard, and appropriate role modeling can lead to the development of narcissism in their children.
Freudian psychosexual development: Sigmund Freud's theory of psychosexual development suggests that narcissism arises during the early "oral" stage, when the child is highly egocentric and believes they are the center of the world. As the child matures, this extreme self-love should decline, but in some cases it persists, leading to narcissistic tendencies.
Defects in self-development: Psychoanalysts like Heinz Kohut and Otto Kernberg theorize that narcissism reflects a defect or arrest in the normal development of a healthy self, often due to lack of parental empathy and mirroring during childhood.

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