The CCP has been collecting genetic data from all humanity and biological life forms

8 months ago

4/3/2024 [Maria Zeee: China Bioweapon Bank Threat] The CCP has been collecting genetic data from all humanity and biological life forms in order to make more virulent bioweapons, and COVID-19 PCR test is one of its means to collect data. The 2020 Congressional report stated that the CCP’s primary goal is to use information warfare to make people worldwide to submit to an authoritarian regime.
#CCP #TakedowntheCCP #bioweapons
4/3/2024 【玛丽亚·泽伊:中共生物武器威胁】中共在收集全人类、所有生物体的基因数据,以制造出更具杀伤力的生物武器,新冠PCR检测就是其收集手段之一;2020 年国会报告里写道,中共的首要任务就是通过信息战让全世界人民屈服于独裁统治。
#中共 #消灭中共 #生物武器

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