The SIGNS and WONDERS of the Antichrist Kingdom=DARPA Project Blue Beam - -Celeste Solum

10 months ago

Project Blue Beam - The Government DARPA is creating a FAKE Heaven above us, a firmament of "holography" for the FAKE signs and wonders the Antichrist will perform during the Tribulation. Pharmecia is destroying man's red blood cells and making a delivery system for psychedelic drugs and frequency control from a 5G/6G wireless network! It is also about creating a One World Religion of the Antichrist Kingdom

Satan is losing the battle in the flood of lies from the WEF, the SCAM-DEMIC, the JAB-o-CIDE agenda, the CBDC ... These things are being revealed as NWO Tyranny and people are starting to REJECT these LIES ... Therefore, Satan has to now make physical war with the people ... and CONTROL the people.

In order for the StarNET 5G/6G network to work you have to have line of sight, like a transmitter on each house but more deceptive thing is to make each person into a 5G/6G antenna by these JABs ... that is what we are seeing with these strange BLOOD CLOTS, it's the accumulation of the Graphene Oxide and Hydrogel and other ingredients.

This is the Antichrist system. It is an Internet of Things and the Things serve the Beast system and their AI master.

The Government is trying to convince us we were planted here by aliens or evolved from goo to you by way of the zoo! God created man and the aliens are really Fallen Angels, Nepilims and DEMONS who HATE humanity. The UFO creatures are not aliens from another planet but DEMONS who appear as Greys, the Nordics and the Reptilians. We are programmed with a LIE by movies and Science Fiction, to DECEIVE the world for End Times to receive these DEMONS and the Antichrist leader. It's a NON-Human agenda to DESTROY humanity that worships and can be redeemed from SIN by God and make them mindless TRANS-Humans that will receive the Mark of the Beast and be unable to be saved.

Expect a Nuclear EVENT of TERROR in Ukraine to create FEAR so people will accept the WEF Globalist agenda.

The JAB puts Graphene Oxide that self assembles and changes you into a hybrid and synthetic being that reacts to Frequency! Jesus didn't come to save hybrids or synthetic beings but to HUMANS!

Man's DNA is a double Helix but the Mark of the Beast is a third DNA strand ... the Serpent's SEED!

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