Season 2 Episode 30: TIME OF JACOB’S TROUBLE: The REVELATION of YESHUA HaMashiach [ישׁוה המשׁיה]

11 months ago

Originally aired 4/6/24. Hello Friends, I hope you had a joyful Resurrection Weekend. If you didn’t get to hear my show last weekend, Please go to my Rumble channel: Wendy’s Words for HIM: Radio, to my Season Watch Page on, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Last week I discussed what was happening in the SPIRIT REALM on that Dark Saturday 2,000 years ago.

I also recorded a new VIDEO TEACHING that answers skeptics’ suggestions that Jesus DID NOT Die on Good Friday, OR on Passover. They claim that he said He would be dead 3 days and 3 nights, and that this PROVES by virtue of MATH that Jesus did NOT ACTUALLY DIE on Good Friday or Passover… So go to my Rumble Channel to watch that video, and discover the evidence that refutes this dispute.

THIS WEEK we resume our study of End-Times Prophecies to see how God will use the TRIBULATION to DRAW His Chosen Nation ISRAEL back to Himself. You can listen to earlier episodes on The Time of Jacob’s Trouble.

We’ve also discussed how these end-times prophecies in both the OLD & NEW TESTAMENT reveal a PAUSE on ISRAEL’s National TIMELINE set to begin AFTER their promised Messiah would come (Who is Jesus/ Yeshua), and then RESUME in the END TIMES as Israel is reborn as a Nation.

We looked at this PAUSE as described in Daniel 9:24-27, as well as Jesus’s Prophecies in LUKE 21:20-24, which was for an undisclosed amount of time. However, Jesus prophesied that it would BEGIN when the Roman Armies surround and destroy Jerusalem, AND the TEMPLE, and would send Jews into captivity, scattering them throughout the world.

And we know this occurred in 70 AD, 40 years after Jesus Laid down His life to pay for the sins of the WHOLE WORLD as the FINAL SACRIFICE for SINS. Then the TEMPLE was destroyed, closing access to the ORDINANCES of the OLD TESTAMENT LAW, and USHERING in the Promised NEW TESTAMENT. Jesus said in Luke 21:24 that from then on, there would be a PAUSE, in the TIMELINE of the NATION of ISRAEL as JERUSALEM would be “TRAMPLED UNDER FOOT by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.”

He described next sign to look for that signals the CULMINATION of THE TIMES of the GENTILES, and the START of the END TIMES EVENTS was “When you SEE THE FIG TREE BUD.” The FIG TREE Symbolizes the NATION of ISRAEL, and we saw this occur May 14, 1948 When Israel returned to the World Stage as a Nation again, just as The Bible Prophesied.

And though Israel has LONGED for their Messiah, even until this day, they EXPECT one who will COME IN TRIUMPH and SAVE them POLITICALLY from those who seek to enslave, kill, and destroy them as a people. And when YESHUA DID COME, as a SACRIFICIAL SAVIOR, not a POLITICAL Savior, they did NOT RECOGNIZE that it was HIM.

And we see in Malachi 3 how God both promised the Messiah, and WARNED them to recognize and receive Him:
Mal 3:1 NKJV - "Behold, I send My messenger, And he will prepare the way before Me. And the Lord, whom you seek, Will SUDDENLY COME TO HIS TEMPLE, Even THE MESSENGER OF THE COVENANT, IN WHOM YOU DELIGHT. BEHOLD, HE IS COMING," Says the LORD of hosts.
Mal 3:2 "But who can endure the day of His coming? And who can stand when He appears? For He [is] like a refiner's fire And like launderers' soap.

Even NOW, the world has given MILLIONS of JEW HATERS permission to call for their destruction AGAIN—OPENLY—all over the world, as THOUSANDS DEMONSTRATE in WESTERN and EUROPEAN NATIONS SUPPORTING HAMAS, and CALLING FOR ISRAEL TO BE DESTROYED. Every weekend, MOBS of RABID PALESTINIAN protestors THRONG the streets of western nations, UNABATED, even SUPPORTED by their host nations with their foolish LIBERAL IDEOLOGIES that now SUPPORT RAPE, TORTURE, AND SLAUGHTER of Jews, whom they now call ZIONISTS, to rename and legitimatize their hatred.

These nations have FULLY GIVEN OVER THEIR CITIES to MUSLIM MOBS who REFUSE to assimilate, but now TAKE OVER THE STREETS holding RAMADAN PRAYERS by the THOUSANDS, stopping traffic, and commerce, and INTIMIDATING JEWS.

And so the world is once again EAGER to eliminate all JEWS, not only just the Jewish nation. Liberal Jews who REJECT Israel's right to a vigorous self-defense should not be surprised when the world will turn against you also, just as the Europe turned against assimilated, secular Jews once the Nazi's gave them the pretense.

This IRRATIONAL HATED should tell you where we are in the End-Times prophecies, as God said the WHOLE WORLD would gather against Israel in the LATTER DAYS.

There is NO MISTAKE we are nearing the END of THE TIMES OF THE GENTILES, just as Jesus/ Yeshua Prophesied. The PAUSE BUTTON on ISRAEL’s 70th week, as described in Daniel ch 9, is about to hit PLAY AGAIN on God’s people of Israel. And as we have been discussing, the RAPTURE of THE CHURCH will TRIGGER the FINAL GREAT TRIBULATION.

Before Easter, we introduced the Book of REVELATION of JESUS the Messiah. REVELATION BEGINS with Jesus’s letters to the 7 churches, giving both PRAISE and WARNINGS to those churches.

And as we have already shown, this is THE TIME of JACOB’S TROUBLE described in Jeremiah 30:7, and in Daniel 12, and of course by Jesus in Matt 24.

We should not be surprised, then to find that the Book of REVELATION focuses PRIMARILY on Saving Israel, and to bring the REMNANT BACK to their promised Messiah, when they will FULFILL JESUS’S PROPHECY, and WELCOME HIM BACK proclaiming: BARUCH H'Bah B’SHEM Adoni! “Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord.” אֲדֹנָי בְּשֵׁם הַבָּא בָּרוּךְ

Last time we observed the early chapters of REVELATION deal with Jesus’s Letters to His Church, The church’s rapture into Heaven to WATCH the coming events unfold, When Jesus receives glory and honor as he inherits the Deed to the earth as the Lamb who was slain, but lives forever more. In chapter 6, he begins to open the seals on the SCROLL of the deed, which begins to unleash the chaotic events on the earth, and the rise of the ANTICHRIST to fill the leadership void after millions of CHRISTIANS disappear, and the RESTRAINING INFLUENCE of the Church is gone.

At this juncture, in chapter 7, we begin to see God’s Special attention focus, as prophesied, on His people of ISRAEL—not Jews in general, but the NATION and PEOPLE itself, as the details are unmistakable.

And so by chapter 7, God clearly begins His campaign to use the DISTRESS of the Tribulation called "The Time of Jacob's Trouble," to DRAW the REMNANT of His people of Israel back to Himself, and to their Messiah: YESHUA HaMashiach [ישׁוה המשׁיה]

Am Israel Chai! עם ישראל חי


Season Watch airs Saturdays at 3:00 pm in San Diego on K-Praise AM 1210 and FM 106.1 North County in San Diego:

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Wendy’s Words for Him: Radio: Audio only Podcast of her weekly radio show SEASON WATCH:

Wendy’s Words for Him: The Hiding Place: Listen to The Hiding Place audio book reading of Corrie Ten Boom’s true story of God’s faithfulness during Nazi-occupied Holland:

Website: MyWordsforHIM:

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