Boomerang UFO Captured over North Pole

10 months ago

I just wanted to know if this video had been manipulated in any way and the answer I got, I wasn't expecting. The UFO had not been placed into the image and the background had not been placed into the image either. There were no signs of any editing going on. He was 96% sure that this video had not been manipulated in any way. If it had, it was done in a way that he was not familiar with. So for me, this clip is the holy grail of UFO sightings.

This is not man-made, the sheer size of it would suggest otherwise. It's hard to tell the distance from the camera, but it's close enough to the earth that you can see it casting a shadow.

The ISS orbits the planet at around 250 miles from the Earth's surface. So if this UFO is closer to the Earth than it is to the camera, then we are looking at something that is miles in diameter. This isn't a scouting ship, this is a colony ship. There is an entire population on this thing. This craft fits the description of the Phoenix Lights perfectly.

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