Danish Pbm Post bureau car in N scale

3 months ago

In 1987 10 German Postmr-b Mail sorting cars were bought secondhand to receive a new lease on life in Denmark as class Pbm.
These were among the last Traveling Post Offices on Danish rails, as traveling time between the major cities, became too short for onboard sorting, with the completion of the Great Belt Fixed Link in 1997.

Here over 30 years later the history repeats itself in 1:160 scale. A secondhand Arnold Postmr is turned into a DSB class Pbm.
One of the issues I came across was that all the N-scale Postmr had the steep roof endings, so I had to design a sloped roof ending as a 3D print and glue that on.
I am making this 3D print available through Shapeways, for anyone who want to build a class Pbm or just want to have the version of the German Postmr with sloped roof: http://shpws.me/RFxR
Decals can be obtained through skilteskoven.dk they might require you to send an email and ask for them.

I 1987 blev 10 tyske Postmr-b Postvogne købt brugt for at få et nyt liv som Litra Pbm postvogne i Danmark.
Disse var blandt de sidste postbureauvogne på danske skinner, da rejsetiden mellem de største byer blev for kort til sortering om bord med færdiggørelsen af Storebæltsbroen i 1997.

Her over 30 år senere gentager historien sig i skala 1:160. En brugt Arnold Postmr omdannes til en DSB litra Pbm.
Et af problemerne var, at alle de Postmr, der fandtes i Skala N, havde de stejle taggavle, så jeg var nødt til at designe en sektion tag med afrundet taggavl som 3D print.
Jeg stiller dette 3D-print til rådighed gennem Shapeways, for alle, der vil bygge en litra Pbm eller bare vil lave versionen af den tyske Postmr med afrundet taggavl: http://shpws.me/RFxR
Påskrifter kan fås via skilteskoven.dk, de kræver muligvis, at du sender ham e-mail og beder om dem hvis du vil have de påskrifter som jeg bruger på denne vogn.

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