Episode 48 Solar Eclipse Aldebaran Nordic Germany UFO Hilter Time Machine Dulce Base Bridge Collapse

8 months ago

Episode 48 USFDET/QForce SUBSCRIBE, FOLLOW, LIKE, & Click on Notifications!
USFDET = United Space Force Department Extraterrestrial

00:00 Intro
02:40 The Star Races of Aldebaran, Nordic Races
06:11 Maria Orsic and Germany Prewar Psychic Abilities. Time Influxes On Adolf Hitlers Other Agenda
10:04 Tearing Down The Past
11:50 Germany First Obtained UFO
13:30 Project Paper Clip, Wernher von Braun, Rockets
14:01 Dulce Base, Alien Genetics Laboratories
20:35 SCP 252 Humboldt Squid-Euchlid
24:28 SCP 263 Cash or Ash-Euchlid
27:55 SCP 399 Atomic Manipulation Ring-Euchlid/Safe
31:02 Space Force, The Federation, Container Ship Baltimore Bridge, Solar Eclipse, Nibiru, EMP Electro Magnetic Pulse, Biden Easter Trans Day of Visibilty,
36:15 ET of The Week Tall Nordic Whites. The Nordics are counseled as one of the main distributors of the Races of Life (Annunaki terrestrial heritage). Descendents, and Protectors of one of Genetic, and Technogical Growths of Mankind, and several other Dimensions. Living hidden amongst mankind for many eons. Fair Albino skin with blue to light golden red eye color. Heights range between 5"5ft to 6"8ft.

Interdimensional Alien Arcturian/Zeta Being
Supreme Goddess of Light & Love.
Ascended Master Of The Light. Seventh Ark/Seal.
High Galactic Commander at United States Space Force
Blue Ray protector of Old Gaia Matrix & new Gaia/Arcturus/Tera5 to come
High fleet commander over set Arcturian/Zeta and Pleiadian warships
Seraphim Order Of The Ancients
Goddess of Life at Goddess Hathor
Great Crystalline Grid Of Life/Star Of David/NB
Arcturian/Zetan Galactic Healer and High Council Channcellor
Galactic High Assistance Healer In Ashtar Sector
Commander Healer Starseed in Ashtar council.
Blu Crystalline Phoenix

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