'Hey, Stop! I Was Empathizing With You!'

10 months ago

There really is nothing more self-loathing and self-defeating that the white women version of progressivism. It preys on women's natural empathy, browbeating us into ignoring our gut in dangerous situations, and makes us feel guilty for feeling unsafe. It also demands we are grateful for experiences like being raped in Haiti, because 'black rage' against a 'white world.' Or something. It's diseased. And dangerous. “Won’t somebody PLEASE think of the subway punchers?” lmao - The liberal weaponization of female empathy has been a disaster for the human race.

Twitchy: 'Disaster for Humanity': TikToker DRAGGED for Saying We Should Be 'Empathetic' to Subway Punchers
Rumble: TikToker Saying We Should Be 'Empathetic' To Subway Punchers

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