Human Foreskin is A Hot Commodity In Science: (...of course)

11 months ago

Human Foreskin is A Hot Commodity In Science:
Used To Repair Organs &, Heal Wounds
Not Tossed As Biological Waste
It Is Sold For Medical & Cosmetic Use - Ask Sandra Bullock (Castrated)

Circumcision ranks among the world’s most common surgeries & oldest. After removal, most foreskin not tossed as biological waste — leftover cells have proven a vital asset to medical research.

Foreskin-owners or not, most people may not know that the cells have been used since the 1970s to heal stubborn wounds. More recently, they’ve been used to test drugs and even to study confounding diseases. The cells’ next adventure: Since the early 2000s, scientists have laid the groundwork in wielding foreskin cells (along with other promising candidates) to repair damaged tissues and organs.

Why Foreskin Cells?

Researchers used cells from foreskin to heal stubborn wounds & test revolutionary drugs.

Why Human Foreskin Is A Hot Commodity In Science

Sandra Bullock Transvestigation Video: MAN?

h/t Shell
It's also customary within certain "faiths", usually those affiliated with satanism, such as zionism where the men suck the baby's penis and drink the blood. Of course they will give reasons for doing it, very much like all pedophiles will try to give reason for it. The world is waking up to the evil that has infiltrated Christianity, Islam, and Judaism....think Khazarians, Wahabbis, and Jesuits. It's all connected to 322 Skull & Bones, Freemasons, and other secret societies that worship Lucifer

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