The NIST Cover-up of WTC 1 & 2 on 9/11

8 months ago

and if my memory serves me well NIST had their offices in WTC7.... I think by now we all know 9/11 was an inside job, carried out by CIA/FBI/MI6/Mossad and House of Saud, and probably the Vatican had a hand in it. NESARA was signed by Bill Clinton on 10 Oct 2000, under military gunpoint, but it was an act that was stopped by the deep-state; 10 months later 9/11 happened and the Gold was seized from beneath WTC7. The announcement of Advanced Healing Technologies had to be shelved, and so the hidden war between God and satan carried on. That war surfaced in 2020 and is now coming to a biblical ending. God's wrath will be swift and furious, those who chose evil will be dealt with by the military alliance.

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