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Live Video Discussions
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A Live Discussion: The Intelligence Community & The September 11th 2001 Terrorist Attacks
A video i made on October 25, 2021. In my first live video discussion, i talk about the domestic and foreign intelligence services in the years prior to the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks.
A Live Discussion: The Intelligence Community & The 1993 WTC Bombing
A video i made on October 26, 2021. Another live video where i discuss the intelligence community and their involvement into the radical fundamentalist cells operating inside the United States where a branch in New York City would become the central focus and "operators" of the bombing of the North Tower of the World Trade Center on February 26th 1993.
A Live Discussion: Bin Laden Issue Station (Alec Station)
A video i made on October 31,2021. In this live video discussion, i go over the history of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) virtual station located in Maryland, the Bin Laden Issue Station. Which was was a standalone unit of the Central Intelligence Agency in operation from 1996 to 2005 dedicated to tracking Osama bin Laden and his associates, both before and after the 9/11 attacks that involved many members of domestic agencies in data collection. CIA Director, George Tenet ,later described the Station's mission as "to track [bin Laden], collect intelligence on him, run operations against him, disrupt his finances, and warn policymakers about his activities and intentions". During the years 1999-2001 however, numerous employees of the station intentionally with-held critical information about two Al Qaeda subjects, Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi, who were being tracked from Yemen until their arrival into the United States, from the FBI. Both men would later become involved with the hijacking of American Airlines Flight 77 which crashed into the Pentagon on September 11th 2001.
A Live Discussion: Bojinka Plot (Blueprint For September 11th 2001)
A video i made on November 2, 2021. In 1995 two men, Khalid Sheikh Muhammad and Ramzi Yousef had planned to conduct a multi-phased terrorist operation code named, Oplan Bojinka. Or commonly known as "Bojinka Plot". It involved three phases. The first phase was to assassinate Pope John Paul II while he was visiting the Philippines. The second phase was to blow up 11 airliners in flight from Asia to the United State with the goal of killing approximately 4,000 passengers and shutting down air travel around the world. The third phase was to crash a plane into the headquarters of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Fairfax County, Virginia. One of the Bojinka plotters, Abdul Hakim Murad, would later describe to Philippines lead investigator, Rodolfo Mendoza, that there was another plot to follow the Bojinka operation. Murad related to Mendoza that this involved hijacking multiple airliners and crashing them into numerous landmark building which included the World Trade Center, Pentagon, Sears Tower and even a nuclear facility. Murad also said, there were already :"sleeper cells" in many cities waiting for the sign to conduct these attacks. In this video i outline the before and after of the plot which was the blueprint for the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks, with federal authorities being aware of a massive operation that involved hijackings airliners and deliberately crashing them.
A Live Discussion: Urban Moving Systems (Israeli Intelligence Pre-9/11)
A video i made on November 5, 2021. In this live discussion i discuss the Israeli intelligence rings which were involved in monitoring the individuals who were involved in the multiple hijackings on September 11th 2001. Urban Moving Systems which was located in Weehawken, New Jersey was later found to be an Israeli intelligence moving company front owned by a Dominick Suter who later fled to Israel after the FBI asked him to come in for a second interview. Just earlier in the day after American Airlines flight 11 crashed into the North Tower, a resident of Doric Towers, a high rise in Jersey City, witnessed 3 men celebrating the attacks. Soon she called the police. Where she gave the license plate of the van which was driven by them. In the later afternoon five men were detained by the East Rutherford police department near service road by Giants Stadium, what they found on their person was incriminating evidence including maps with yellow circles marking the World Trade Center and Doric Towers, multiple passports, and plane tickets to foreign destinations. Who were they and why were they here?
A Live Discussion: Osama Bin Laden
A video i made on November 8, 2021. In this discussion i speak about the biogra[hy of one of the world's most notorious "villain's" in world history, Osama Bin Laden. Born to the Saudi Kingdom's leading construction magnate, Muhammad bin Awad Bin Laden of the Saudi BinLaden Group. He studied at King Abdulaziz university in until 1979, when he joined Mujahideen forces in Pakistan fighting against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. His father would die in a plane crash in 67 leaving him one of the heirs to the company. The Bin Laden family made $5 billion in the construction industry, of which Osama later inherited around $25–30 million. By 1980 however, Bin Laden would find himself a newfound life in the Afghanistan war against the Soviets, where he would donate his late fathers construction vehicles to build ditches and roads for the Mujahedeen. He would become famous overnight. After becoming involved with a recruitment office, pitched by his spiritual mentor, Abdullah Azzam, he became even more revered. By 1986, Egyptian militants began entering Peshawar, Pakistan and suddenly became involved with Bin Laden and would manipulate his thinking. These people would late be the influence to create an orgaznaition that would be used to conduct terrorist operations against another enemy, the United States and the West.
Ayman al-Zawahiri, Sayyid Imam al-Sharif and Abu Hafs al-Masri (Mohammed Atef) would be known as "Takfiri" Muslims. Those who label other Muslims not of the Wahhabi faith as "apostates". By 1992, Bin Laden along with his Egyptian associates would relocate tp the Sudan. The origination that would grow in time was Al Qaeda. By 1996, the group would begin making themselves known by conducting terrorist plots on US targets, but on September 11th 2001, those operations came to the doorsteps of the United States. By then the world would suddenly know who Osama Bin Laden is. But who is he really?
A Live Discussion: The Able Danger Program (Defense Intelligence Agency)
A video i made on November 12,2021. Able Danger was a classified military planning effort led by the U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). It was created as a result of a directive from the Joint Chiefs of Staff in early October 1999 by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Hugh Shelton, to develop an information operations campaign plan against transnational terrorism.One of the program's participants was Anthony Shaffer, a US Army and Defense Intelligence officer, who disclosed the covert operation to lead director of the 9/11 Commission, Phillip Zelikow, in 2002. By 1999, the program collected 3.5 terabytes of data confirming that 2 of 3 terrorist cells were operating inside the United States. However SOCOM lawyers ordered the data destroyed. Shaffer would have his security clearance suspended by the Department of Defense, suggesting Shaffer disclosed secrets about the program to Zelikow. The 9/11 Commission never used Shaffer's testimony stating to Congressman Curt Weldon in 2004. "it was not part of the story we wanted to tell". In this video i talk in depth about the program.
A Live Discussion: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
A video i made on November 16, 2021. He is charged with being the principal operator of the "planes operation" also known as the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks. Khalid Sheikh Muhammed, is a Pakistani militant who operated independently, he is also known by at least 50 pseudonyms. Mohammed is currently being held at Guantanamo Bay detention camp under a number of different terrorism-related charges. However, many people don't have any clue as to who he is, where he is and what he has "alleged" to have done. Yet his actions have changed the world over. In tonight's live video discussion, i talk about the Pakistani militant who is alleged to have been involved with financing in part the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing, Bojinka Plot and the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks.
A Live Discussion: The Battle Of Tora Bora (Operation Jawbreaker)
A video i made on November 23, 2021. The Battle of Tora Bora was a military engagement that took place in the cave complex of Tora Bora, eastern Afghanistan, from December 6–17, 2001, during the opening stages of the United States invasion of Afghanistan. It was launched by the United States and its allies with the objective to capture or kill Osama bin Laden. The Operation led by the Central Intelligence Agency, CIA National Clandestine Service's (NCS) Special Activities Division and 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne) was code named "Jawbreaker". It was originally led by long time field case officer, Gary Schroen, who was replaced by Gary Berntsen.
With the assistance of local Afghan tribes such as the Northern and Southern Alliance, Uzbeks and the Hizib-e-Wahdat Hazaka , they began an incessant charge against the Taliban led by Mohammad "Mullah" Omar and Bin Laden's Al qaeda fighters in the north of the Afghan mountains where they trapped Bin Laden and approximately 200 fighters. Surrounded with one way out, a back channel to Pakistan, Berntsen called for a small contingent of 200 US Special Forces to block the escape. However the request was denied by USCENTCOM commander General Tommy Franks, who was on orders from the Bush White House. Bin Laden and the remaining Al Qaeda fighters would escape back into Pakistan where he would stay until his assassination by US Special Forces on May 1, 2011. This discussion will concentrate on the stages of the Jawbreaker operation in Tora Bora, Afghanistan, who was behind it, and the details of the operation .
A Live Discussion: The FBI Informant In San Diego (Abdussattar Shaikh)
A video i made on December 1,2021. Abdussattar Sheikh was an asset of the FBI’s San Diego Field Office from May 14, 1994, to July 2003. He was called "The FBI's Best Chance to Uncover September 11th Before it Happened" by the Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities before and after the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001. His hand;er was Steven Butler from the FBI's San Diego field office, and recruited him due to his personable nature and his broad influence in his Muslim community, which the FBI had "persons of interest" which they wanted to know more about.Butler had a code name for Sheikh, "Stan". By April 2000, two of the hijackers in the September 11 attacks, Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar, rented a room in Shaikh's home in Lemon Grove, California. Yet Sheikh, would only tell Butler, about their surnames, and also shared little menial information about their presence in the country, which they spoke hardly any English. But not everything was at it seemed. And after the events of September 11th 2001, "Stan" was not the man he claimed to be.
A Live Discussion: War For The Middle East (A Neoconservative Outline)
A video i made on December 5, 2021. Immediately after the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks, a faction inside the White House began planning for the initial stages of using the US military to invade Iraq. CIA Director George Tenet was the lead agency to investigate a foreign connection to Al Qaeda, whom were blamed for the terrorist attacks on the country. However, the evidence procured by the CIA and Israeli intelligence was fictitious. That however didn't stop Secretary of State, Colin Powell, to brief world leaders at the United Nations Security Counsel about intelligence reports which show Ba'athists in the Saddam Hussein government were conspiring with Al Qaeda to produce biological and chemical weapons. Iraq was not the only country to serve as victim to US-Israeli foreign policy analyst lies, Syria, Libya, and Yemen would fall under the aerial bombs and US-coalition tanks which led to their destabilization and destruction, with only Iran left standing tall.
The faction which are behind these geopolitical agendas which lead to these Arab states falling under US imperislaim, they are called the Neoconservatives. Many of the leading neocons, also had dual citizenship with Israel had authored foreign policy outlines during the 1990's which are currently in full effect. Both governments however have differences on their specific agendas, but the overall goal was simple, the Middle East must not fall to a potential superpower other than the United States.
A Live Discussion: The NSA Monitoring Osama Bin Laden
A video i made on December 10, 2021. Ziyad Khaleel had bought an expensive satellite phone for a "friend" in Virginia. The FBI however were monitoring Khaleel for his alleged associations to Hamas, a Palestinian "terrorist'" group. However, once the phone went into the hands of Khaled al-Fawwaz who was visiting Missouri. The satellite phone was then mailed to Tora Bora, Afghanistan. The FBI contacted the National Security Agency (NSA) and put an active tap on the phone, which was received by a Saudi financier named Osama Bin Laden. Tonight i speak on the NSA listening to the phone calls and a non descript house in Sana'a, Yemen which became an Al Qaeda switchboard. What was talked about on those calls, and what wasn't? In this live discussion we investigate all of this and the NSA meta-data collection and their programs like Trailblazer and ThinThread.
A Live Discussion: American Airlines Flight 11
A video i made on February 15,2022. In this live discussion, i give a brief history that involved the hijacking of American Airlines Flight 11 which was hijacked by five arab men who were alleged members of Al Qaeda. The lead pilot, Mohammed Atta, allegedly piloted the plane which intentionally crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center at 8:56am. I talk about the hijackers, passengers and crew as well as the timeline leading up to the events. The discussion will also center on the fringe conspiracy theories regarding this event that still are prominent in the 9/11 truth movement and also will be adding speculative thoughts regarding certain areas of the discussion as well.
A Live Discussion: United Airlines Flight 175
A video i made on February 18, 2022. In this live discussion, i give a brief history that involved the hijacking of United Airlines Flight 175 which was hijacked by five arab men who were alleged members of Al Qaeda. The lead pilot, Marwan al-Shehhi, allegedly piloted the plane which intentionally crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center at 9:03am. I talk about the hijackers, passengers and crew as well as the timeline leading up to the events. The discussion will also center on the fringe conspiracy theories regarding this event that still are prominent in the 9/11 truth movement and also will be adding speculative thoughts regarding certain areas of the discussion as well.
A Live Discussion: American Airlines Flight 77
A video i made on March 3, 2022. In this live discussion, i give a brief history that involved the hijacking of American Airlines Flight 77 which was hijacked by five to six arab men who were alleged members of Al Qaeda. The lead pilot is alleged to be, Hani Hanjour,, piloted the plane which intentionally crashed into the Pentagon at 9:36am. I talk about the hijackers, passengers and crew as well as the timeline leading up to the events. The discussion will also center on the fringe conspiracy theories regarding this event that still are prominent in the 9/11 truth movement and also will be adding speculative thoughts regarding certain areas of the discussion as well.
A Live Discussion: United Airlines Flight 93
A video i made on March 7, 2022. In this live discussion, i give a brief history that involved the hijacking of United Airlines Flight 93 which was hijacked by three to four arab men who were alleged members of Al Qaeda. The lead pilot is alleged to be, Ziad Jarrah, whom piloted the plane which intentionally crashed a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania at 10:03am. I talk about the hijackers, passengers and crew as well as the timeline leading up to the events. The discussion will also center on the mysterious background of Ziad Jarrah, and the theories, myself and DJ Thermal Detonator, have been working on regarding his family background with Israeli intelligence.
A Live Discussion: How The Intelligence Services Could Have Prevented The 9/11 Terrorist Attacks
A video i made on May 12, 2022. In this live discussion i talk about how pre-intelligence from the CIA and NSA could have prevented not just the 9/11 attacks from happening but other terrorist attacks such as the 1998 East Africa bombings in Tanzania and Kenya, could also have been prevented if the intelligence was shared.
A Live Discussion: The Bush White House Assault Of Civil Liberties & Privacy (9/11 Aftermath)
I made this video on June 4, 2022. In this live video discussion, i speak on the Bush White House response to the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks. Bush would order his White House Counsel to look for "loopholes" regarding the treatment and detention of detainees who were suspected of being involved with terrorism. Meanwhile vice president, Dick Cheney, attorney, David Addington along with White House Counsel, John Yoo and Alberto Gonzales, would push for the White House to undermine the Department of Justice regarding American privacy by using the NSA to collect any information without warrant and to also bypass the Geneva Convention regarding captured detainees.
A Live Discussion: How The 9/11 Fringe Conspiracies Helped The US Federal Government
A video i made on June 7, 2022. In this live stream, i speak on the harmful effects certain 9/11 advocates have espoused over the years in the public eye. From Alex Jones, Jim Fetzer, Citizens Investigation Team , The Loose Change Crew to Christopher Bollyn, Rebekah Roth and Barbara Honegger. The positions they have shared over the years have created a generation who believe instead of knowing, which has led them to investigate things which just aren't there.
A Live Discussion: The Genesis Of Ayman al-Zawahiri
A video i made on June 19, 2022. Many people are generally unaware of the sole survivor of the aftermath of the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks. Even thou there is a 25 million dollar reward for information which can lead to his arrest, Ayman al-Zawahiri continues to exist in the shadows and mountainous regions somewhere between Afghanistan or Pakistan. In this live video, i will discuss the beginning years of Ayman al-Zawahiri from his days of the Islamic Jihad (renamed Egyptian Islamic Jihad) to his merger with Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda.
A Live Discussion: The CIA & Osama Bin Laden (A Conspiracy Of Malfeasance)
I made this video on June 30,2022. When George Tenet became the director of the Central Intelligence Agency on 1997, he saw it to repair the agency in the public eye. A Georgetown graduate, Tenet restructured the Operational structure where many low level managers retired, and bureaucrats became the polarizing entities. Nevertheless, a young Saudi became the main antagonist for the agency for the next 20 years. One in which, Tenet and the agency would forever change the planning and operational guidelines just to capture or kill him. Which were continually denied. Just how close were the CIA to capturing or killing Osama Bin Laden? Plus, were the CIA involved in an intentional coverup of Al Qaeda operations? It would seem that was indeed the case in the months lead up to the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks.
A Live Discussion: The Millennium Bombing Plot
A video i made on August 21,2022. The Millennium terrorist attack plot was a plot designed for numerous attacks, attributed to Al Qaeda and their Yemen affiliated islamist sect, that were to take place on or ner January 1,2000. The series of attacks were to include bombing four tourist sites in Jordan, the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), The USS Sullivans and the hijacking of Indian Airlines Flight 814. The revelation of the plot linked to the LAX "Millennium Bomber" Ahmed Ressam led to unprecedented investigations into other potential terrorist cells in the United States, dubbed Operation "Borderbom", and security measures around millennium celebrations. I speak on the plot thru a timeline which is sourced from numerous articles and how the domestic and foreign intelligence services disrupted the plot, but could have shared information about other plots and failed to do so.
A Live Discussion: Operation Encore & Saudi Financing To Two Al Qaeda Operatives
A video i made on September 18, 2022. In this live discussion i will be speaking in depth about the leatest findings in the FBI's "Operation Encore" investigation into Saudi government financing and logistical support to Al qaeda operatives living inside the United States, that later participated in the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks. In the latest declassified files, Musaed al-Jarrah (US-Saudi Minister of Foreign Affairs) is shown to have hired a Saudi official, Fahad al-Thumairy to lead the King Fahd mosque along with another imam, not previously know to the public, Mohamed al-Muhanna. Both men would come into contact with another Saudi government official, Omar al-Bayoumi. A CHS (Confidential Human Source) provides the latest information and much more to the FBI and some of this data is truly remarkable and damning.
A Live Discussion: The Congressional Inquiries Of The September 11th 2001 Terrorist Attacks
A video i made on November 27, 2022. In this video i discuss the two national inquiries investigating the security and intelligence lapses that led to the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks. The two congressional inquiries are, the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States and The Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities before and after the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001.
A Live Discussion: Ken Williams & The Phoenix Memo
I made this video on January 4, 2023. The Phoenix Memo was a letter sent to FBI headquarters on July 10, 2001 by FBI Special Agent Kenneth Williams, recommending the assembling of a worldwide listing of civil aviation schools.. Williams, then stationed in Phoenix, Arizona, was investigating students at some of these schools for possible terrorist links. The recommendations outlined by Williams were ignored or put aside because of other concerns. Causing many, including then US President, George W. Bush, to become concerned over a lack of transparency which led to inaction. The memo surrounded on a central figure the Phoenix FBI field office were investigating from information gathered by an informant, a Muslim convert named Henry Ellen, that was highly suspected of having terrorism connections, Zacaria Soubra.
A Live Discussion: How The 9/11 Hijackers Received Their US Visas
I made this video on March 11, 2023. In todays discussion i will be going over the complete malfeasance from the United States Consulates in Jeddah, and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in regards to approving for authorization of US Visa applicants, with some applications showing inconsistent answers or simply not even addressing the basic security questions. In June 2001, the U.S. consular posts in Saudi Arabia instituted a third party processing program called Visa Express. This allowed for resident Saudi's to receive visas through a travel agent and does not require them to be interviewed by an American official.
One such Consular officer, Shayna Steinger, would work out of the Jeddah Consular building where she was vastly overloaded with thousands of applicants looking to take advantage of the program. In the weeks after the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks, US investigators learn that three of the 9/11 hijackers received their visa thru the "Visa Express" program. That wasn't all. According to Steinger's own testimony to the US Inspector General, she also approved of 12 applications that belonged to the 9/11 hijackers as well.
A Live Discussion: The 1979 Afghanistan War
A video i made on March 24, 2023. In tonight's discussion, i will go over a brief introduction and history of what led to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the precipitating factors in between, and the United States involvement in the war which covertly ran the single largest and most successful CIA operation up to date, "Operation Cyclone".
A Live Discussion: The Donald C. Canestraro Military Commissions Document Redux
I made this video on April 12, 2023. In this discussion i will be covering the latest findings from former Military Commission investigator, Donald C. Canestraro, and the incredible, eye popping, revelations from anonymous sources who were FBI, CIA and Commission officials speaking on conditions of anonymity, describing a large covert and illegal operation between the CIA and Saudi GID intelligence inside the United States on two known Al Qaeda operatives (Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi) who would later participate in hijacking American Airlines Flight 77 which crashed into the Pentagon on September 11th 2001.
A Live Discussion: The September 11th 2001 Terrorist Attacks: What Is It All About?
I made this video on May 19, 2023. In this video, i talk about a multitude of historical events, incidents and influential individual which were instrumental in the lead up to the 9/11 attacks. It is basically just a laid back discussion that will probably raise more questions than answers.
A Live Discussion: The Periphery Involving The 9/11 Planes Operation
A video i made on September 11, 2023. This discussion will entail various historical points in time leading up to the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks. From 1996 Bojinka Plot, the NSA-CIA signals monitoring operation of Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, to the CIA-Saudi and Israeli domestic intelligence operation monitoring the 9/11 operatives living inside the United States.
A Live Discussion: The Intelligence Community & The 1993 WTC Bombing
11 months ago
A video i made on October 26, 2021. Another live video where i discuss the intelligence community and their involvement into the radical fundamentalist cells operating inside the United States where a branch in New York City would become the central focus and "operators" of the bombing of the North Tower of the World Trade Center on February 26th 1993.
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