Silent War # 6369: Food Supply Dwindles, That Dark Storm Approacheth

11 months ago

Cattle-Tracking Provision That May Limit Beef Supply Passed In Omnibus Bill.

Top US Egg Supplier “Temporarily Ceases” Operations At Texas Plant After Bird Flu Outbreak.

NASA to Launch Three ‘Sounding Rockets’ During Total Solar Eclipse — Project Named After the Egyptian God of Darkness and Chaos.

MSM Trots Out 'Bird Flu-Pocalypse' After Texas Dairy Worker Falls Ill.

Tennessee Lawmakers Pass Bill Targeting mRNA Vaccines In Food.

Now Canada is euthanising autistic people.

The ish ritual murder of 13-year-old Andrei Yushchinsky in 1911 Ukraine, Russia.

Officials Along Path of Eclipse Quietly Declaring States of Emergency.

Statue of Liberty Gets Struck By Lightning During Wild New York Storm.

In a first, Oregon’s Jewish federations pull investments from fossil fuels.

Biden Regime Issues Strongest-Ever Emission Rules on Heavy Duty Vehicles, Including Trucks and Buses, to Force Adoption of Electric Vehicles.

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