It’s not about Free Energy it’s about controlling Immortality Red Immortality

10 months ago

It’s not about Free Energy it’s about controlling Immortality

Red Immortality is driven by Adrenochrome the current Ruling Elite (Parasites) consume Adrenochrome

White Immortality is driven by accessing Vibrations and the Ether

Destroy The Parasites 🦠 🟥👹
Destroy Red Immortality 🔺👁👶🏼🩸
Bring Back White Immortality ⬜️🐝🙇‍♂️👑🔔🔊🎶

The Parasites🟥🔺👁 removed all the Resonators from the White Immortality Healing Centers ⬜️🐝👑🔔🎶🍯 from around the world and
renamed them Churches/Synagogues/
Mosques when they created the first batch of Foundling/Clones who are mortal. 90% of You are the descendants of these clones.

If the Subterranean Troops 🟩⚔️
Blue Wizards 🟦🧙🏻‍♂️ and Gold Wizards 🟨🙇🏼‍♂️ succeed.

A day will come where we can Bring Back White Immortality ⬜️🐝👑🎶🔔🍯

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