Sprinting Dog Forces Woman To Crash Bike

6 years ago

Dogs and bicycles have always struck me as a dangerous combination. For example, I have never understood how people safely ride their bikes and run their dogs at the same time. That’s just an accident waiting to happen in my mind.

This woman is riding a strange bike with a rear platform with a small child…

To be honest, we have never seen the type of bicycle contraption that this woman and her child are riding around the driveway. It appears to have the front half of a BMX bike. The wheels clearly have pegs. There is the front tire and the handle bars. But the back half seems to be a kind of a platform with two legs. The woman is standing on the legs while the child seems to be standing on a more forward platform is also on the legs, it’s hard to see. No one is pedaling the bike to make it go forward. Instead the mom is using hills and pushing off the ground with her foot. It’s like a cross between a scooter and bike.

Meanwhile small dogs zoom around them! Uh Oh! Watch OUT! Oh no…

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