Project YELLOWBOOK / Majestic 12

2 months ago

Bizarre Ascension Group Linked To Solar Flares ( looney but interesting 🤨)


2.) More Entirely Different Space Bullshit Group -



5.) Rupes Nigra ~ Strange - North Pole Phenomenon ?!??BLACKROCK

The Great Solar Flare Carrington Event

1.) How Prepared are You for a Modern-Day Carrington Event? - JASE Medical


3.) Carrington event: Largest known solar storm in history was even bigger than we thought | New Scientist

4.) Rupes Nigra ~ BLACKROCK



The event will span approximately three days, drawing inspiration from the Bay of Pigs incident.

Following this, there will be a 10-day Earth shutdown and the activation of the Military Emergency Broadcasting System (EBS) broadcasted globally on TVs and radios.

Concurrently, governments worldwide will be temporarily disbanded, accompanied by further arrests.

Subsequently, the Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA/GESARA) Blockchain Elections will be initiated, ushering in governments reduced to 10% of their current size, with entirely new personnel.

This transformative endeavor, known as Quantum GESARA or TRUMPSARA, encompasses various facets of advancement, including the Quantum Financial System, Quantum Voting System, Quantum Healing, and Quantum Physics.

The transition extends to the digital realm with the Quantum Internet, symbolizing a comprehensive shift toward quantum technology.

Under GESARA, currency undergoes a transformation, with Nesara introducing Rainbow "Treasury" Notes backed by precious metals, augmented by the integration of Quantum Starlink and internationally regulated USA Coins adhering to ISO20022 standards, also backed by metals.

Furthermore, the Quantum Voting System (QVS) revolutionizes blockchain technology, departing from conventional approaches.

The Quantum Internet overhaul entails a complete reboot, eliminating existing entities such as Microsoft, as the current internet infrastructure is likened to Operation Mockingbird, entailing centralized control and manipulation.

Media outlets and publications, previously influenced by entities like the Mossad, will undergo restructuring, eliminating ownership ties and biases.

Private intelligence entities, including those affiliated with UK Royals, will be dissolved, leaving Military Intelligence as the sole intelligence authority.
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Antarctica 🇦🇶 Notes :

Secret War In Antarctica: Project COLDFEET, The Illegal Fly Zone, Deep State, Underground Bases, FBI, CIA, and the Cold Icy Shadows of Antarctica (VIDEO)

Have you ever wondered why planes do not fly over Antarctica?

Have you ever pondered the secrets that lie beneath its frosty veil?

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An expanse of pristine, ice-sculpted landscape, the last terra incognita, concealed and guarded by regulations that pique our curiosity. Embark on an expedition to unmask the icy enigmas of the southernmost continent, where we attempt to decode the Deep State’s involvement and expose the clandestine activities of the FBI and CIA.

This journey isn’t for the faint of heart!

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Project ODIN

PROJECT ODIN will go together with the EAS/EBS... It is a military unit that supervises military forces in ground operations.
ODI N means:


During the EBS
Every major media channel on the planet will be…

The documentaries will be broadcast for 10 days all the channels on the planet will be taken over by the Alliance everything will be revealed political institutions famous religious

The final three days will reveal suppressed extraterrestrial life Patents and the new Earth.

PROJECT ODIN and military GESARA, a monumental combination that promises to overthrow the Cabal's hold on global power.
Prepare for the most dramatic change in modern history when the Military Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) emerges, signaling a new era of truth, justice and liberation.
The stage is set, the actors are in position, and the world is about to witness a seismic shift that will reshape the course of history.

PROJECT ODIN, a project shrouded in secrecy, is about to be revealed to the world.

But what is PROJECT ODIN and how does it connect to the military GESARA and the long-awaited Emergency Broadcast System (EBS)?

In this article, we delve into the heart of this remarkable transformation, revealing the hidden truths and unveiling the future that awaits us.

PROJECT ODIN: PROJECT ODIN, as cryptically mentioned by Ron CodeMonkeyz, is not just another codename; It is the key to dismantling the Mossad Media satellite network that has been at the center of global manipulation for too long.
This bold mission is not for the faint of heart; is the linchpin of the Quantum Starlink system, a quantum leap in technology that promises to redefine our world.

The new Quantum Systems, part of Quantum Starlink, represent a paradigm shift in technology.

These systems are protected by secret space programs that operate beyond the reach of the Cabal, ensuring their integrity and security.

As the Cabal-controlled media crumbles, these Quantum Systems will emerge as heralds of truth and transparency.

The Cabal's Last Stand: Q, the enigmatic figure behind many revelations, has predicted the elimination of the Mossad media.

But what comes next is even deeper. Whiplash has hinted at a major theatrical production, a misleading depiction of World War III, that will actually serve as a catalyst for the activation of military forces around the world.

A Biblical Scenario Revealed: In a twist of fate, this orchestrated chaos will pave the way for the activation of Armed Forces around the world, unleashing a torrent of events that will bring the Cabal to its knees.

The NESARA/GESARA funds will finally see the light of day and the people will be entrusted with the monumental task of rebuilding a long-oppressed world.

Identifying the Illuminati's Satanic Strongholds – The Kabbalah network stretches far and wide, but Q has given us insight into its most prominent strongholds.

From the Vatican to Buckingham Palace, from the White House to the heart of China, these places hold the keys to the power of the Kabbalah. As the dominoes fall, 34 satanic buildings and dams will collapse, forever changing the landscape of the world.

The United States in an almost instant military dictatorship... commanded by none other than Joe Biden:

A multitude of events take place:

As the Kabbalah faces its reckoning, a cascade of events will unfold.

Project SHAD by Grandpa Tom Trefts USAF 🇺🇸 1989-1991 A-10 Jet Engine Mechanic 👨‍🔧 RAF Alconbury, England - Veterans Against Treason Chairman

List Of Names In P Diddy Lawsuit :

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