father and son Nice taking about helicopter

5 months ago

**Helicopter parenting** refers to an overprotective and very involved parenting style. Just like a helicopter hovers, so do these parents. They typically involve themselves in all aspects of their children's lives, sometimes to the detriment of the kids. Helicopter parents tend to pay extremely close attention to their kids' activities and schoolwork in an effort to not only protect them from pain and disappointment but also to help them succeed. These parents are known to **micromanage** their children and become extremely entwined in every aspect of their lives¹.

The term "helicopter parent" was first coined in a 1969 book titled "Between Parent & Teenager." The teen featured in the book reported that his mother watched over him like a helicopter. Since then, many college administrators have used the term to refer to parents who continue to try and watch over their children from a distance after they have gone away to college, and the term spread to encompass all overprotective parents¹.

**Why do parents become helicopter parents?**
1. **Giving Kids a Happy Childhood**: Some parents desire to give their children a different childhood experience than what they themselves had. If they had a tough childhood, perhaps with an absent or unsupportive parent, they might want to course-correct when they have children of their own.
2. **Social Pressure to Succeed**: Parents may employ this parenting style because they feel pressure to succeed as parents and for their kids to succeed. The desire for their children to be safe, happy, and loved can lead to excessive involvement and protection¹.

While helicopter parenting can have some positive aspects, such as ensuring safety and success, it can also have drawbacks. These include slower social and academic development for children and reduced autonomy. Encouraging autonomy and finding a balance between involvement and independence is essential for healthy parenting¹³.

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