Cat hilariously kneads the air and his leg

6 years ago

Kneading is an activity common to all domestic cats but Jeremy the Ragdoll has taken it to another level. Usually, cats knead blanket, the owner or even some plush toy but Jeremy kneads the air and his leg, without even realizing what he is doing. Adorable and so cute!
Kneading is an activity where cats alternately push out and pull in their front paws, often alternating between right and left limbs. Kneading is often a precursor to sleeping, and we can see Jeremy doing precisely that. He is kneading his way to sleep. He is so sleepy and in need of some kneading that he just didn't want to get up to find something commonly accepted for kneading. In the situations like this, Jeremy doesn't hesitate to knead his leg or even the air itself. Kneading may have an origin going back to cats' wild ancestors who had to tread down grass or foliage to make a temporary nest in which to rest. Alternatively, the behavior may be a remnant of a newborn's kneading of the mother's teat to stimulate milk secretion. Some experts consider kneading to "stimulate" the cat and make it feel right, in the same manner as a human stretching. The cat exerts firm downwards pressure with its paw, opening its toes to expose its claws, then closes its claws as it lifts its leg. The process takes place with alternate paws at intervals of one to two seconds. They may do this while sitting on their owner's lap, which may prove painful if the cat is large or strong or has sharp claws (as the claws tend to dig into one's lap).
Although cats mainly knead as kittens, sometimes the behavior continues into adult life, and as you can see, Jeremy is a full grown cat that is not ashamed of this "kittens" behavior. That's right Jeremy; you should never forget your inner kitten!

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