With the help of Taiwanese traitors, the CCP would use the earthquake as a pretext to invade Taiwan

2 months ago

4/3/2024 [China Watch with Kathleen Winn] Ava: With the help of Taiwanese traitors, the CCP would use the earthquake as a pretext to invade Taiwan. The CCP would bombard Taiwan even if it means sacrificing the entire Fujian province.
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP #Taiwan #earthquake
4/3/2024 莘7女孩做客《凯瑟琳·温恩观察中国》莘7女孩:中共会借地震,在卖台贼的配合下入侵台湾。即使会牺牲福建省,中共也会轰炸台湾。
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共 #台湾 #地震

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