“Warp Speed” – Trump & UN Chief Secretary General - António Guterres

1 month ago

We learn that Operation Warp Speed may mean more than just pushing untested, experimental vaccines.

During the Covid Lockdowns Trump announced the go ahead with 5G. Yes, this happened on his watch. It happened in Warp Speed.

They had to have a president that did a lot of good in his first 3 years so when he did his evil acts they would hardly be noticed and when concerns were brought up their plenty of excuses in his defense.

The same is going on with Biden in this election year 2024, they are having his role change and he is doing some “sane” things and acting a little like an actual president. It’s all to have us forget about just how f*cking horrible things were in the 3 years of destruction he did.

Trump had 3 years in which he did some things that sounded good. Biden had 3 years in which he did things that were obviously Anti-American.

It’s all a f*cking thing is a mind game. The ones who are asleep will not see through the grand illusion. The one who are awakening may see it right away or some may see some of it, just depends on the level of “consciousness.”

António Guterres – UN Chief Secretary General openly talks about about the Internet of Things – IoT, the Internet of Bodies – IoB being “connected” with Medical Implants. We should all know by now that this means self-assembling graphene networks that were injected into the “Bodies” via the Covid-19 Vaccines.

They were not to prevent and transmitting viral infections folks.

António Guterres – “We will FORCE the Needs for a New Generation of Safety Nets, to allow for people to survive and have a new meaning for their own lives.”

You look at his audience and they are either brain dead and have no clue what’s really going on or they are just robotic sheep.

What he is saying is that their Agenda will be FORCED upon the people. They never say this blatantly in public, but that is one is a no brainer. I guess you would have to be familiar with the Agenda and the Sustainability Goals to understand their double speak. It’s all for the good. No it’s not and don’t believe it for one second.

These are the leaders of our world. They are going down the WRONG path.

He admits to elections being hacked and he talks about filtering “hate speech.”

I can see through their bullsh*t, I hope others are awake enough to smell a rat. This guy is a rat.

They define hate speech of anything that goes against their forced agenda. That is what hate speech really is in their definition. Don’t tell the truth about our “true” agenda or we will label this hate speech and you will be either censored or banned from whatever platform you were on.

He talks about AI being in machines that can kill people and how they should be banned by International Law. Of course they should but it his his cronies that have already created them and programmed them.

Trump & 5G: “Winning the Race to be the World’s Leading Provider of 5G” – “We want to be the Leader in this.”

We ALL know how dangerous this radiation is for our body. It is totally unhealthy, it is horrible and it now has been linked to Covid Vaccine Injuries and Covid Vaccine Deaths. *See this video → ***Jab Injuries & Deaths Directly Linked to 5G – Vaxxed Emitting Harmful Radio Frequencies to Unvaxxed -- https://rumble.com/v4n0stn-jab-injuries-and-deaths-directly-linked-to-5g-vaxxed-emitting-harmful-radio.html

Listen to Trump’s charm and praise on how good of a job FCC Chairman is doing and how important it is to get this 5G rolled out, at the same time the pandemic began.

Who doesn’t want 5G by their homes? Trump and his buddy / neighbor Bill Gates → Trump and Bill Gates Do Not allow 5G Near Their Homes -- https://rumble.com/v45izoi-trump-and-bill-gates-do-not-allow-5g-near-their-homes.html

But yet Trump says: “The Race to 5G is a race we Must Win and it’s a race we will win.”

I just want people to be able to realize bullsh*t on the spot and not have to analyze it and find out later that it was a deceptive scheme.

Trump is using “competition” to sell this. We must stay ahead of other countries in this technology.

Another thing that was in Lockstep around the world with the Media pushing fear and the mRNA jabs was 5G.

The countries that turned them on had the most deaths. This was a test to see how 5G would work on the jabbed.

Trump said: “We should have been doing this a long time ago, some countries have got ahead of us.”

You know what you should do? Study the ill effects on 5G and have about 5 independent NON-Government companies do this.

He already knows the truth just as he knew the truth about vaccines and said publicly he had never taken one and that he doesn’t like injecting bad stuff → ***Trump -- “I've NEVER had a Flu Shot and I Don't get the Flu – I don’t like injecting BAD STUFF” -- https://rumble.com/v44l4y6-trump-ive-never-had-a-flu-shot-and-i-dont-get-the-flu-i-dont-like-injecting.html

Now all of a sudden it is “GOOD STUFF” Donald?

I guess when Pfizer funded a nice portion of your campaign you kind of felt like you owed them and not the (voters) people who believed you were a good human being.

Trump said: “I pushed the FDA like they have never been pushed before.”

What did he push the FDA to do? To commit fraud, not do their job, ignore clinical trials and just approve it. He pushed them to lie. That is the hard truth.

That’s why this guy is evil. He will get away with this unpunished and be rewarded by putting back in as President.

Trump openly brags “I came up with 3 vaccines, all are very, very good.”

Who thinks that Trump took the vaccine? Who thinks he was telling O’Reilly the truth about getting the booster?

You know a good man when he has a CONSCIOUS. A good man is a man who when he makes a mistake he tells people and says hey, I’m sorry, I wish I would have done things differently.

Has Donald Trump ever made a mistake?

They are trying to make a nanoscale interface between biology and the digital world. They are tying to connect the masses in this huge experiment and this is their way of telling us.

Ian F. Akyildiz -- What are NanoNetworks? “The nanodevices we are talking about, they will be kind of like artificial cells or artificial molecules which can be programmed and injected inside the body. How they will help us is, they will work together in cooperative way, attack any health-related problems.”

Ian F. Akyildiz is the one who said that the Covid Vaccines were programmable NanoScale Machines.

He makes you believe that they are designed to attack illnesses but when you listen to him he says that they can be programmed to KILL. Videos just below. Once again, the leaders are going in the wrong direction. They have to be led by something outside this world because they are literally insane.

More videos on Dr. Ian F. Akyildiz:

***The Mastermind Behind All the Covid-19 Injections, the IoBNT, and the WBAN – Prof. Ian Fuat Akyildiz -- https://rumble.com/v4i51hr-the-mastermind-behind-all-the-covid-19-injections-the-iobnt-and-the-wban-pr.html

***Dr. Ian Akyildiz - Injecting Programmable mRNA Bio Nano Scale Machines – In mRNA vaccines and have been injected – https://rumble.com/v2gs5yo-dr.-ian-akyildiz-injecting-programmable-mrna-bio-nano-scale-machines.html

Corona Phase Molecular Recognition -- technology from Dr. Michael S. Strano -- from my understanding these are inserted in nanotubes to act as biosensors that can detect down to a single molecule. I can see them using this as some test for antibodies which they could manipulate efficacy of a jab.

Dr. Strano displayed how they can insert nanoparticles into a plant and the plant can transmit signals in the form of an email. This is what they are doing with the jabs but I believe their technology is far more advanced.

Here are two links to help understand this one as I don’t understand much of this one → https://srg.mit.edu/corona-phase-molecular-recognition-cophmore/ & https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/6972997

The last part is Sabrina Wallace talking about CogWar – which is Cognitive Warfare.

CogWar represents the convergence of a wide range of advanced technologies along with human factors and systems, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Information Communication Technologies (ICT), neuroscience, biotechnology and human enhancement that are being deliberately used by NATO’s adversaries in the 21st century battlespace. CogWar presents a significant risk to global defence and security at every level including economic, geopolitical, social, cultural, as well as threatening human decision making.

You can download the pdf to what Sabrina Wallace was reading out of here → https://www.researchgate.net/publication/369305190_Mitigating_and_Responding_to_Cognitive_Warfare

What is messed up is that being used as a Defence strategy against NATO opposing nations which is being adopted by our US Navy. It’s all just a bunch of bullsh*t. It’s an attack on our brains. If they would spend ¼ of the money for so called fake “Defense” on Peace Strategies the world would change in an instant.

It is all about non-invasively, wirelessly, controlling the brain and developing precog abilities, which I bet they have right now. They want to Augment our reality. If we are learning of this now, you can bet this was available in the 90’s.

CogWar is just using their technologies in evil ways. “CogWar also aims at disrupting relationships and targets human vulnerabilities, such as trust.”

I mean what an evil concept – to disrupt relationships. What kind of people even think up these kinds of things?

What all of it is really about is Transhumanism – make us one with the machine and in the process depopulate most of humanity. No biggie.

They always have to make it feel like they are “protecting us.”

**Thanks to AETHER**

Source: nonvaxer420 -- https://rumble.com/v4l9fyo-march-24-2024.html


TRUE LEAF MARKET → Spring is here! Time to get your seeds and supplies.

True Leaf Market – provides the best seed selection I have found, non-GMO and I personally grow tomatoes, microgreens, cucumbers, peppers, spinach arugula, cilantro, parsley and will try a few different varieties this spring as they have plenty, buy bulk or buy small, their prices are good → https://rb.gy/14d5vg



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Thank You!!

END. 4/9/2024 – 6:00 PM

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