President John F. Kennedy - The Final Analysis- U.S. Govt Coup d'eta- Take Over BY Murder

2 months ago

The Murder of President Kennedy by our own Government, was the Event- take over of the United States... that started the massive infiltration of our top govt positions.. Fast Forward to 2001 and the 911 False Flag attack- Americans not only let the 911 criminals get away with the massive bombing murder, they welcomed them to stay and govern. And then rolled up their sleeves to be injected with a deadly bioweapon by the same cabal. That is murdering off the world right now. Three people dead on my street in the last week. My own Realtor dying of the jab so he has to have heart surgery.... Genocide in full swing. All started by the murder of the last honest President - Our President John Kennedy- who Is not resting in Peace seeing what has become of his beloved Nation- Communist- Nazi- Satanic- killing it's own citizens with all means of evil. God Help the U.S.A and World.. Please get involved - Tell your Reps to PULL out of the W.H.O and have nothing to do with the W.E.F or the U.N. All criminal organizations now with the Mission of reducing the population by 95% and Controlling the survivors like robots merging man with machine with nano-circuits in our blood connecting to 5G. ou can not make this up folks. We are in an Owellian Nightmare.
Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D is the Co-Author of The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis. The book, written along side Dr. David Mantik presents indisputable forensic evidence that two shots fired from the front and one shot fired from the rear killed the president in a Dealey Plaza crossfire. Dr. Mantik’s meticulous CSI examination of the JFK skull X-rays demonstrates that the medical evidence, when properly understood, is the key to exposing a stunning government coup d’état and sixty-year coverup executed by the CIA, the FBI, the Pentagon, and the Secret Service to frame Lee Harvey Oswald as the Warren Commission's "lone gun assassin." Get the book here:
Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D., received his Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1972. He has written 30 books on politics and economics since 2004, with several best selling books, two of which were NY Times bestsellers — Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry (2004) and The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality (2008). His current website is where he does podcasts every weekday.

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