"A Dog Has A Chew Toy Stuck on Its Paw and Tries to Spin It"

6 years ago

"There are many different dog toys these days, but have you ever heard of fidget spinners for dogs? Well, maybe not the real fidget spinners, but something that might work like one. LOL! Check out this video, and you will see what I mean. It shows an adorable pup who is chilling on a sofa with a chew toy stuck on his paw. It is a toothed red ring that somehow ended up around one of his paws, and now he tries to spin it! First, he just stares at it and then starts to spin it with his other paw. LOL! It doesn’t look like he wants to take it off but rather likes it and tries to have some fun with it! Well, doesn’t he look just adorable with that funny and quite unusual accessory for a dog? I bet he really likes it and he could go on like this whole day long!"

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