SHADOW CHASING SHOW host Derrick Whiteskycloud -AXE THE TAX CANADA 4-4-2024

9 months ago

SHADOW CHASING SHOW WITH host Derrick Whiteskycloud AXT THE TAX CANADA 4-4-2024 LETS TALK ABOUT??? Carbon Tax, Climate Change W.H.O. started this rumor of FALSE EARTH CHANGES or is it only EARTH SHIFTING & W.E.F. telling us we are the badguys. MIRROR THE ACCUSERS...CARBON FOOTPRINTS are they from GOD or our GOVERNMENTS LEADERS tracking us daily. They do not want you to leave your home its the false beginning of the 15 minute prisoned cities. TESLA RECALLS ALL THEIR VEHICLES? TRU-DUMB, KRYSTA FREELAND avoids to answer THE CANADIANS. AXE THE TAX? ALBERTA POLICE pretend to be real military or are they impersonating police hired by OTTAWA? plus more...join me LIVE! Facebook chatroom & Youtube chatroom. FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY? The Wonders of NEW REJECTED EV Bicycle & Cars Graveyards in China possibly selling them to Canada & USA & more?

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