NSA Predicts ‘Practical’ Quantum Computing in Just Few Years

5 months ago

At a cybersecurity event hosted by Palo Alto Networks, Neal Ziring, the technical director of the NSA’s cybersecurity directorate, forecasted that practical quantum computing tools will become available for workforce use in approximately 3 to 5 years.

These systems, which leverage the principles of quantum mechanics to solve problems exponentially faster than traditional computers, are expected to be accessible primarily through cloud-based environments due to cost and practicality considerations.

Ziring emphasized the importance of hybrid computing, where quantum and classical computing elements are combined to tackle complex problems efficiently.

However, he stressed the need for further research into quantum circuits to optimize performance, NextGov has reported.

READ MORE: https://www.nextgov.com/cybersecurity/2024/04/practical-quantum-computing-coming-3-5-years-will-be-cloud-based-nsa-official-predicts/395423/

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