Fake Sun, Sky, and Clouds.

3 months ago

Or...that sun is 93,000,000 miles away- except the clouds are hitting it. Maybe the clouds are 93,000,000 miles away. Pareidolia. Seeing things in the clouds others don't, I guess. If you all don't see some strange things in those clouds...well my sanity is on the line here. They let us know and misdirect at the same time. Through controlled opposition. Bill Gates isn't blocking out the sun. They are. The chemtrails aren't poisoning us(could you imagine if people were dropping like flies when they get sprayed), the chemtrails have reacted with the aether to block out the sun, moon, and sky. That "sun" and "moon" we see daily are keeping us hypnotized and are also 5G routers working with LiFi and Bluetooth. They also house the data of our lives as seen by their surveillance drones we call crows. They are not crows. 5G and LED lights = LiFi. Sun light disrupts 5G LiFi. Notice you have 5G all the time but no new towers have been built. LiFi needs 5G, LED, and line of sight. It piggyback through Bluetooth. That is how they will control/kill you. With that MAC address you have from the vax. Go to developers option. Set your Bluetooth were it will show Bluetooth addresses with no names. Smart meters? Don't get me started. Your house is a giant antenna that tells everything about you and your families habits. Oh, there is probably nano dust in the chemtrails, but maybe it's good for us.

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