Now is the time to go back to our biblical roots

11 months ago

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The video was produced in the outskirts of Cebu City, the Philippines on Sabbath, March 30, 2024.

Ever since Roman Catholic Joe Biden took office in January 2021 as President of the United States, look at what is happening in the United States socially-speaking: the left and liberals are advocating puberty blockers for children, transgenderism, drag queen story time, and sex books in school libraries, among other abominations. And this is happening not just in the United States but in Canada and most western nations! We’re truly living in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, aren’t we? We’re truly living in the end times!

In Detroit, Michigan, a statue of Baphomet, which represents satan, was erected in 2015 with the support of over 700 people, most satanists, in attendance.

Fatherless homes:

Divorce rates in the US:

What are we do to as part of going back to our biblical roots?

1. First and foremost, accept Jesus Christ as your Lord, God, King, Savior and Creator. He is your Rock and Salvation.
2. Pray to God daily and worship God daily individually or as a family in the morning and in the evening
3. Get to know God by reading the King James Bible since the Bible testifies of Christ in John 5:39.
4. Get baptized if you can. I will provide you with pastor Craig’s email address on how you can get baptized by him.
5. Allow the Holy Spirit to produce His fruits in you (Galatians 5:22-23)
6. Keep the holy ten commandments of God (Exodus 20:3-17) as they define the love of God (1 John 5:3).
7. Repent of your sins asap when you commit them and God will forgive you and absolve your sins
8. Be watchful / be alert of your spiritual condition and world events (Luke 21:36).
9. Fast if you can to draw closer to Christ. Fasting and praying availeth much as we read in Matthew 17:21.
10. Attend Sabbath worship services on the biblical Lord’s Day, His 7th day Sabbath, as Christ did in Luke 4 and as His believers did in Acts 13:42, 44. The 7th day Sabbath, which is from Friday evening at sundown to Saturday evening at sundown, is not Jewish, is not Old Covenant. It is biblical. Facebook page link.
11. Be surrounded by a faithful, obedient and loving Christian community of like-minded believers.
12. Talk with God and make your supplications known unto Him.
13. Live a simple, humble life; a quiet life.
14. Seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33).
15. Pray to the Father for Christ’s return in the clouds of heaven and pray for those in the world, for those who are in Babylon to turn to Christ.
16. Flee worldliness and be not conformed to the sinful ways of this world as per Romans 12:1-2.
17. Pray to God to understand Bible prophecy including the book of Revelation. Please look at my 5-part video series on God’s end time prophecies to help you better understand Bible prophecy.

Put your trust and faith in Christ and OBEY HIM and His divine law of love: His holy ten commandments and become a saint of God who keeps the commandments of God and has the faith of Jesus in Revelation 14:12, in the King James Bible! Those who do will make it home to heaven.

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Email: email pastor Craig at

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