James Lindsay: The Reflexive Alchemy of George Soros. Social Engineering The Dialectic of Tyranny

10 months ago

James Lindsay: The Reflexive Alchemy of George Soros. Social Engineering The Dialectic of Tyranny
This is an Extremely Deep Dive into the Mind and Philosophy of George Soros, based upon his book, in his own words. James Lindsay then takes us further reading between the lines and bringing it through a Reality Check. This very interesting, enlightening and informative. But it is a lot to take in all in one sitting. I would recommend breaking it into a 3 session listen.
9,202 views April 4, 2024
James Lindsay - New Discourses
he New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay, Episode 138
George Soros has a theory of change, and his goal is to make and move history. That theory of change is easy to understand if we take the time. It is also explicitly dialectical and alchemical.
For Soros, society moves "historically" during times of chaos when people are searching for guideposts for what the future will bring, and it proceeds through change by "fertile fallacies," which are the seeds of what has elsewhere been called mass-formation psychosis. That is, feedback loops based on consequential errors change history.
***If you want to change history, then, it's simple. First, plunge society into chaos (say, by funding lots of things that destabilize communities)***
In the meantime, build "reflexive" potential so that the people driven into chaos work in ways favorable to your agendas. Then, when chaos ignites, place strategic "guideposts" that lead the desperate people to make exactly the kinds of mistakes that take them where you want them to go. In this important episode of the New Discourses Podcast, host James Lindsay takes on George Soros and his dialectical alchemy of "reflexivity" through Soros's own words as printed in The Alchemy of Finance (https://amzn.to/4adNsNv) and elsewhere. You won't want to miss it.
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