Did Covid cause all the excess deaths?

9 months ago

Apparently not. Even taking account of people who’ve died ‘with and from’ covid, Clare Pain shows there are still thousands of unexplained excess deaths.
• Why have so many people died when the ‘safe and effective’ vaccine is supposed to protect people from severe disease and death?
• What’s their vaccination status?
• Why has it taken so long for the government to investigate these unexplained excess deaths?
I urge you to make a submission to the Senate’s inquiry into Excess Mortality by 26 April 2024: https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Community_Affairs/ExcessMortality47#:~:text=On%2026%20March%202024%2C%20the,sought%20by%2026%20April%202024.

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