Today in History Food Edition April 16, 2024

10 months ago

World Food Warsaw
Food and Beverage Environment Conference
Supply Side East - Secaucus
Charlotte Wine and Food Week
52nd Annual Grifton Shad Festival
Cheese Expo - Madison
Himachali Rajma Madra
St. Drogo Druon
Espresso Martini
St. Magnus of Orkney
Orkney Cheese
St. Bernadette Soubirous
Gasconne Croustade / Gascon Pastis
Gasconne Croustade / Gascon Pastis Dough
Blueberry Muffins
National Bean Counter Day
Bean Counter Chowder
National Orchid Day
Black Orchid
Martin Lawerence
Angel Biscuits
National Eggs Benedict Day
Eggs Benedict
Day of the Mushroom
Bacon Stuffed Portobello
1521 Martin Luther arrived at the Diet of Worms
Diet of Worms Cake
1838 The French occupy Veracruz Mexico in the Great Pastry War
Pate Feuilletee
Tourte de Frangipane
1941 The original Elsie the Cow Died
Elsie the Cow Spinach Dip
1956 On the I love Lucy Show
Topsy Turvy Sangria
1978 Joseph Delteil Died
Very Good Chocolate Mousse
2020 Busch Beer offers a Year of free Beer
Busch Lite Biscuits

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