Youthfulness, Anti-Aging Subliminal (Audio + Visual)

1 month ago

177,856 views Nov 14, 2016
Youthfulness, Anti-Aging Subliminal.

Text & Audio Affirmations:
All the cells of my body grow younger every day.
Each day I grow younger and healthier.
Eternal youth courses through every cell in my body.
Every cell in my body vibrates with eternal youth.
Every day I am more youthful and full of life than the day before.
Every day I look and feel younger than the day before.
Every day my body is filled with incredible youth and vitality.
Every part of my body is growing younger and healthier.
Everything I do, I do with youthful enthusiasm.
I am becoming more and more youthful every day.
I am de-aging my life by the positive actions I take.
I am forever ageless.
I am full of radiant health and youthful energy.
I am healthy, ageless and vibrant.
I am high on life and it shows.
I am increasingly youthful and alive.
I feel healthier and younger than I ever have before.
I feel young and full of vitality.
I reverse the aging process through my positive beliefs and actions.
I reverse the aging process through the deliberate intent of my thoughts.
I reverse the aging process with my positive thoughts and actions.
I decrease my biological age by adopting a healthier lifestyle.
I decrease my biological age by adopting a more positive outlook on life.
I have youthful energy and enthusiasm.
I have youthful exuberance.
I intend to remain youthful and vibrant every day of my life.
I keep my mind youthful by making sure I take time each day to play.
I look 20 years old.
I look and feel forever young, ageless, and vibrant.
I maintain a youthful appearance by seeking the joy in every new day.
I maintain a youthful appearance by thinking positive thoughts.
I radiate youth and vivacity in all that I do.
I visualize myself at my perfect age.
I welcome eternal youth into my life.
My body looks and feels younger every day.
My body rejuvenates itself every minute of every day.
My healthy eating habits support my youthful vitality.
My life is dynamic and fun.
My mirror only reflects the youthful vision I hold in my mind.
My positive mental attitude makes me look young.
My skin glows with youthful radiance.
My skin is youthful and radiant.
My thoughts and beliefs keep me looking eternally young.
My youthful spirit is reflected in the mirror each day.
Through the power of my thought and belief, I have reversed the aging process.
With every breath I take, I am bringing greater youthfulness into my life.
All the cells of my body function perfectly.
All the cells of my body are working together in perfect harmony.
All the cells, organs, bones, and muscles of my body are working perfectly.
All the organs of my body function perfectly.
All the skin on my body is healthy and clear.
Every cell in my body is an expression of perfect health.
I am forever thankful for my healthy body.
I am so grateful to have a healthy, vibrant body.
I have perfect 20/20 vision.
I have a strong and healthy back.
I have a strong and healthy heart.
I have a strong and healthy immune system.
I have a strong and healthy digestive system.
I have a strong and healthy liver.
I have a strong and healthy brain.
I have strong and healthy sex organs.
I have strong and healthy joints and bones.
I have strong and healthy eyes.
I have an amazing body which I deeply appreciate.
I honor my body in all that I do.
I keep my body healthy by keeping my thoughts positive.
I notice positive changes in my body every day.
I send love and appreciation to all the cells of my body.
I use the power of thought to direct my body to be perfect in every way.
My back is flexible and strong.
My blood pressure is healthy and normal.
My body is a reflection of perfect health.
My body maintains itself in perfect health.
My body metabolizes fat very quickly.
My breathing is relaxed and effortless.
My great metabolism helps keep me fit and trim.
My hormone levels are always in perfect balance.
My metabolism provides all the energy I require.
My muscles and joints move freely and easily.
My positive thoughts support and strengthen my body’s well-being.
My subconscious mind directs my body to be perfect in every way.
The cells of my body are constantly rebuilding to perfection.
complete affirmation list here:

Watch in HD. Headphones/Earphones are optional. Use this subliminal video often to increase youthfulness and reverse the aging process. This subliminal video is unisex. Watch and listen for best results. You can still get results from just watching or just listening if that's more convenient for you. This subliminal video has both text and audio affirmations. Set to a comfortable volume. Use at least once a day until no longer needed. There are no binaural beats or frequencies in this video.

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