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The Death of Queen Elizabeth II - Reported by Judy Byington 11-08-2021
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 20 Sept. 2022
Compiled Tues. 20 Sept. 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”
Announcement of the death of Queen Elizabeth II freed the World from British Admiralty Rule and insured the collapse of the World Cabal Deep State Regime.
On Mon. 19 Sept. Elites attending the funeral of Queen Elizabeth were briefed on collapse of their governments and banking systems, which lead to Debt Relief for The People.
“When the Government can’t protect the vote and can’t protect the Border, then there’s no point in said Government.”
…Denzil Washington
It was recommended to be prepared for what lies ahead and have at least two-three weeks of cash, food, water and goods for your own needs and that of your neighbors.
“Indebtedness and Gratitude”
Judy Note:
On Mon. 19 Sept. “King of England” Charles Windsor was ordered to appear before a Special International Tribunal on November 1, 2022. The Tribunal was investigating Charles’ knowledge of and complicity in Crimes against Humanity committed by his parents, Elizabeth and Philip Windsor and accomplices.
Biden Admin. Wants to indict Trump, and Trump is daring them, On the Fringe:
Help educate young Americans about the great Freedom Fighter Founding Fathers, while supporting Patriots Barbie and Ken fight the Goliath IRS for only a $25 donation: The night of 24 June 2019 film producer Ken Cromar completed two new productions, “A More Perfect Union” and “MIRACLES: In God We Trust.” The next day he, wife and daughter Liberty were instantly made homeless by SWAT Teams working on a false IRS charge that took possession of their fully owned home. IRS Agents later threw away all their furniture and possessions, including Ken’s expensive equipment he used to make a living. The five year battle has been filled with multiple miscarriages of justice and overseen by a judge who refuses to even supply her license number to the Cromars, leaving in question if she even has one.
Learn about the Miracles that helped birth this nation and watch George Washington sign the Constitution in a multi-million dollar feature film production reenactment shot at Independence Hall in Philadelphia for only a $25 donation that included a free pocket Constitution. The offer will be good until Sept. 30. For Teasers of both films and the Donation tab:
Restored Republic via a Global Currency Reset:
A High Up Source felt that the GCR / RV could occur any time between now and mid Oct, unless a Trump arrest caused a delay to November.
Coach Jerry: “Be encouraged dear community, our time will come. If we could figure out the precise timing, then the evil opposition could also figure it out. And I have a sneaking suspicion that the Worldwide Alliance has designed this entire “movie” such that no one, outside the good military, is quite able to figure it out.”
Sun. 28 Aug. The new gold/asset-backed currencies of 209 nations began trading on the Forex back screens.
On Thurs. 8 Sept. 2022 Operation London Bridge went into effect with the announcement of the death of Queen Elizabeth II, which freed the World from British Admiralty Rule and insured the collapse of the World Cabal Deep State regimen.
The US Inc., British Crown and Vatican laundering of slush funds were now ended to the Cabal corporations of State Street, Vanguard and Blackrock.
The monies had been laundered through 14 countries controlled by the Queen that included the UK, Canada, Russia, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa. These 14 countries were now heading into being Free Republic States.
On Sunday 11 Sept. Iraq brought out their new Iraqi Dinar Rate and on a Tier 1 level began using and exchanging it in Mainland Europe and the Middle and Far East.
On Mon. morning 12 Sept. Bond payments were paying out in Europe.
The Bankrupt Central Banks haven’t received the fiat US Dollar from the Bankrupt Federal Reserve since last Tues. 13 Sept.
All Banks were required to switch from the old fiat monetary system to the new gold/asset-backed Republic System by last Wed. midnight 14 Sept.
Fri. 16 Sept. JFK Jr, 19th Vice President: We’ve initiated the EBS, Military Tribunals and Full Disclosure with several countries going back to lockdown for the Omicron variant, which is the Military code for the cleanup operation for the CCP Pedophiles & Traitors. Sending out the 5:5 MIL OPS was a confirmation SIG in our primary objective-rescuing our children from tunnels & DUMBS. As the remaining countries lockdown and reports of COVID-19 diagnosis continue, the news unlocks the map of events. Prepare to archive and be offline SHUTDOWN.
Sat. 17 Sept. Simon Parkes: “The banks may be shutting down as early as this weekend. Accounts will be frozen and there will be no online payments. This was the event planned for September 24th, though the Pentagon now says to take out cash now. This bank shut down will last from 2-10 days, the extent of which will depend on the opposition from the other side.”
Mon. 19 Sept. The Queen’s (Deep State’s) Funeral: The Guardians US Space Force Military Intelligence Agency and the Alliance have seized military power from the Deep State (all Satellites, Communication Grids, Banking Servers, Data and financial transactions) and given the Operations back to the real UK Military Peoples Army and Generals.The White Hat Military in the UK now have King Charles III under Military control. It’s expected that King Charles will be a failure (planned) and will collapse the Committee of 300 who run the Western World governments and Fortune 500 companies. The Plan to use King Charles III to massively fail will lead to Nuremberg Trials and World Tribunals. The Elites attending the funeral will be briefed on coming Events which include collapse of their governments and banking systems, which will lead to Debt Relief for The People.
Mon. 19 Sept. MarkZ: Lebanon has closed their banks for three days. There were bank runs all over the world. By Mon. 19 Sept. the new gold/asset-backed US Note was present in all Tier 1, 2, 3 Banks. With Whales, Tier 3 and 4A under strict NDAs, RV monies were said to be in their accounts, though not yet liquid.
The UK was in a ten day mourning period which would end on Tues. 20 Sept. – the same time period that Q and Trump on Telegram have indicated was the Ten days of Disclosure.
The Three Days of Darkness followed by Ten Days of Revelations, began on the Queens announced death on 8 Sept. That would then bring us to Tues-Wed. 20, 21 Sept.
Sat. 24 Sept. Drama: Intel from various sources indicated that a massive Extinction Event, and/or a Global Financial Crisis may occur on Sat. 24 Sept, which was also Numerology 666 Day. Banks may be shutting down for up to ten days. Bruce: We are expecting announcements on NESARA/GESARA around Sept. 24, 25. World Trembles After Germany Issues “24 September 2022” Ominous Prediction Looks like the dirty FBI aka Deep State was planning a False Flag on September 24, 2022…the same day as Trump’s next rally!
Sun. 25 Sept. at 11 am Central Time (12 pm EST) JFK Jr. Explains Everything. Join:
Fri. 30 Sept. was the Vatican’s payment deadline for theRothschilds, Rockefellers and other families that owned US Inc, United Nations, World Bank, and IMF. The US Inc, British Crown and Vatican laundering of slush funds to the Cabal corporations of State Street, Vanguard and Blackrock would now stop.
Sat. 8 Oct. Drama (Congress) An October mega Black Swan Event triggered by the Cabal, was set to occur. This could be a bloody revolution, anarchy, or a peaceful transition. (The Cabal has planned riots in 17 major cities).
Sun-Mon 23, 24 Oct. Drama Militia
Sat. 29 Oct. Full Stop – everything could freeze for ten days.
In October the Chinese Communist Party will convene to make amendments to their constitution that will lead to “new strategies of governance” – likely a democratic state.
Tues. 8 Nov. 2022 Elections: “I have on extremely good authority from three different sources that the USA election in November 2022 will not happen. This has already gone through the Supreme Court – SCOTUS – and they used a Shadow Document to overturn the 2020 Election.”…Charlie Ward
Nov 18th 322 Skull and Bones day of the year and Illuminati founder died.
King Charles ordered to appear before International Tribunal over the death of William Combes and others. Issued September19/20, 2022 by the International Common Law Court of Justice: King Charles ordered to appear before international tribunal over death of William Combes and others – YouTube
Charles Windsor, the so-called King of England, was ordered today to appear before a Special International Tribunal. The Tribunal will convene on November 1, 2022 to investigate Charles’ knowledge of and complicity in Crimes against Humanity committed by his parents, Elizabeth and Philip Windsor, and their Church, State, and Corporate accomplices.
The Legal Notice to Appear was delivered to Charles Windsor at Buckingham Palace and other locations by Sheriffs of the Court. A copy of the Notice follows and as a pdf attachment.
The November 1 Tribunal asks that anyone with knowledge or evidence of Charles Windsor’s complicity in any of these crimes contact the Court immediately at . Rewards and immunities from prosecution will be provided in return for such evidence.
Stand by for more information and updates every Sunday at 6 pm eastern at and at under ITCCS Updates and under Breaking News.
The Real News for Mon. 19 Sept. 2022:
JFK Jr. Tweeted on Feb. 4 2022, “Queen Elizabeth will die on Sept. 8 2022.” Now he says, “I will be broadcasting an incredibly important video that explains everything on Sun. 25 Sept. at 11 am Central Time.” Join:
JFK Jr: The Return of our President 45. The Return of Queen Diana. The Return of JFK. THEY KNOW IT ALL. PRIVATE QSTRADAMUS CHANNEL. ONLY FOR Q warriors who want to know the prophecies. It is all connected, big boom this year‼ Join and see miracles happen.
Is China preparing to Invade America?
Russia strikes Ukrainian nuclear plant in enormous nighttime strike just 300 yards from the reactors:
Russia clarifies what its ‘red line’ is with the U.S., NATO, Europe, as world inches closer to war:
The world was ruled by four corporations: Black Rock, State Street Corp., Vanguard Group and FMR, owned by several families including the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Onassis, Kennedys, McDonalds, Disney, Bundy, Bush and Collins. These companies have made a fortune in human trafficking, weapons, drugs, prostitution, global terrorism and operations under a false flag. They sit on the boards of governors of the International Monetary Fund, all Central Banks, the World Bank and the Federal Reserve System. They also own oil, food, pharmaceutical, chemical and technology giants.
Global Weather Manipulation:
Wed. 14 Sept. West Pacific: Large M7.0 earthquake strikes W. Pacific — Major unrest spreading
Pakistan Floods: Death Toll Pushes 1,500
Puerto Rico: The Storm is upon us. Puerto-Rico 100% blackout without power caused by Hurricane Fiona “they say.” Complete power grid shutdown.
Mexico: Powerful 7.6 magnitude earthquake strikes Mexico on Mon. 19 Sept.
Nick Fleming: NESARA is a restoration of Freedom, a celebration of Life and Sovereignty, with Abundance available to One and All. NESARA is the restoration of hope for a future for our children and our children’s children. NESARA is the future of this Shining Nation, this great Nation of One People, serving God, with all honor and humility. NESARA is the standard for restoring the Sovereignty of the World.
A Fair Financial System: With the End of Poverty, Penury, Slavery, Indebtedness, the Leverage of the “Straw Man,” the Leverage of Paper (Bonds, Liens, Notes of all kinds), with the private, off-ledger manipulation of Paper through these many Acts of Corruption will end. This World of Lack created with this slight of hand, ponzi scheme, will Shift. In a Lawful Society without debt, without bonds, without rigged trade, with a Lawful Financial System under NESARA, We the People will thrive. The criminals committing these harmful, self-serving acts will be removed. Their assets seized. Their ability to receive any further payment ended.
A Fair Judicial System: The Unconstitutional, Gestapo-led, dictatorial, Admiralty courts, supporting the entitled few, the Agenda of the Globalists, in pursuit of a Social Credit Scoring System, and a micro-chipped humanity, with their absolute control over every facet of Life; will end under NESARA. A return to Common Law, and Common Good Sense, with Respect for Others and Honoring Good People, like those demonstrating Integrity, Generosity and Service to Others. Will the Quantum System, coordinating the rollout of the 1776 Constitution, to every Free, Sovereign Nation State in the world, tell this story?
A Fair Medical System: The Medical Institutions, the Pharmaceutical Institutions, the accountable institutions that supported the World Health Organization’s Agendas, (2030, 2025, etc., etc.), and the World Economic Forums Agendas to impoverish, if not outright kill 4/5ths of the total population, under the Eugenicists plans, will end under NESARA and the restored Republic of the United States Constitution. The malefactors responsible for the cruelties inflicted on Humanity will be removed and their ability to influence, serve, will end forever. Their assets will all be seized and given to We the People they have harmed.
Q The Storm Rider Official Page:
Part 1 Final Warning: Department of Defense Laws of War: (PROTOCOL)
The LAW OF WAR MILITARY Action and Protocol on foreign occupation inside United States territories and branches of U.S. Governments/offices/sectors that have been occupied by foreign governments/ leaders/ Intelligence/forces.
That entity had one year to vacate the U.S. territories and premise. Failure to head this Warning would result in Full Military defense, retribution and tribulations in accordance to Military Courts, Tribunals, imprisonment or Death.
The illegal election that happened in 2020 was a Military Sting Operation to watch the Deep State and their CCP Regime in cohesion/ help from VANGUARD, CIA, DARPA to control BIG TECH, MSM outlets and Industries that are also run by foreign influences that are loyal to Europe Elites add the DAVOS group.
The Military Operations was to insure the Deep State would cheat/illegally interfere in U.S elections using foreign powers, foreign occupation, foreign money and influences. This domestic [DS] military Coup against a sitting President would ensure activating the LAWS OF WAR PROTOCOL and PROCEDURES that would lead to EXPOSURE of Foreign and Domestic Forces that worked together in a conspired will of corruption to take over the United States and their three branches of government.
On January 20, 2021 the U.S. Military White Hats issued their first warning to the BIDEN regimen and BLACKROCK, VANGUARD, STATE STREET EXECUTIVES. INCLUDING 16 Families and Royals across the world to vacate their actions in the Stolen 2020 U.S. constitutional elections and were told to leave the U.S. territories.
On January 20, 2022 the year long grace pass expired and The LAWS OF WAR PROCEDURE WERE FOLLOWED (and silent military actions operations continued before, during and after the First WARNING of 2021).
When the President (Trump) is on TV, tens of thousands of Intelligence Insiders/ Workers/ Agents and direct Military Agencies from hundreds of countries around the world are watching the speech and looking for messages, codes, drops, live time WIRES. (It’s not only TRUMP supporters but very important World white HATS agencies and ALLIANCE as well as the DEEP STATE agencies that are looking at the President’s speech)
TRUMP EXECUTIVE ORDERS pertaining to seizing assets of foreign countries that interfered in the U.S. ELECTIONs. These seizing of money in the Stock Market is currently happening. Hundreds of companies running through BLACKROCK AND VANGUARD holdings are All COLLAPSING.
Behind the Scenes there was no deals, no surrender. The enemy was in collapse.
Zuckerberg has come under control of White Hats and a war is happening over Facebook. The Deep State and White Hats were in a critical battle for the 3,000,000,000 billion users and control of their lives.
The US Deep State wants full control as soon as possible and before exposure of the FBI, CIA, DOJ, Obama, Clinton, Biden Regime and were desperately trying to use Congressional powers to seize Facebook.
Tentacles of Bin Salman were reaching far into all TOP Social media sites and his subsidiary companies. His investors he controls and family/ Saudi interest controls TRILLIONS in social media!
With the combined help of United States Space Force Intel Agency and U.S. Military Intel BATTALIONS, the OPERATIONS of the STORM are bringing down Facebook.
Everything was headed to exposure, but everything had to be done by the book. The Military Law of War, Trump Executive Orders and Continuity of Government were in effect. This meant that everything must seem normal as the US Military was behind the scenes seizing powers.
The Deep State cabal in the VATICAN knew this was happening that’s the reason they called for all their money back from all countries that have Central Banking system. The CABAL is inside a great Collapse and nothing can stop what is coming.
That’s the reason TRUMP stood by the Flag with dark stars (looks like no stars) The CODE in this message is clear to Military Operatives, Communication Specialist across the world in hundreds of different Mil. Intelligence agencies that were watching the TRUMP speech and decoding events.
Trump gave the coded message for Military White Hats to move forward worldwide. He gave detail as to what would happen from FBI exposure to the fall of the Democratic Party, to the future safety of the Maga Movement.
In the same message the Deep State Cabal were warned there would be no deals, no surrender.
The final warning has been given and now there were no deals, no surrender. The operations would intensify worldwide.
Brief History of the Global Currency Reset:
In the late 1700s a group in Eastern Europe (Illuminati Families, Rothschilds), known as the Cabal, began taking control of the Global Monetary System using fiat or paper currency that was not asset backed. To counter this movement some sovereign families of Asia and Europe dominated by the Chinese Royal Dragon Families, pooled their gold assets into secretive off ledger private banking trusts now known as the Global Collateral Accounts.
In reality the US the privately-owned (Rothschilds, Rockefellers) Federal Reserve System started around 450 years ago with creation of a Vatican Trust Account attached to the generational wealth of several nations. This World Financial System was set up by and mainly funded through gold of the ancient Chinese Royal Dragon Families of Asia.
Switzerland housed Cabal organizations of the International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization and Bank of International Settlements and was thelegal origin of United Nations Charters.
The Cabal-owned Bank of International Settlements in Basel Switzerland controlled through the Crown City of London and Vatican Bank, all Central Banks of what was known as the G7 nations.
The Cabal operated monetary system in the US went back to founding of the United States of America Corporation in 1871, which was re-organized in 1907 and atJeckyl Island in 1910 and then formed the privately owned Federal Reserve in 1913.
These private Rothschild UK bankers discarded the US Constitution, manipulated funds of Central Banks across the globe and used the US Federal Reserve to plunder global assets rather than utilizing the monies for their original Humanitarian purposes, thereby enriching their own and fellow global Elites’ pockets.
By 2015 the new US Republic had been formed by the White Hat Alliance and located their new US Treasury on an Indian Reservation in Nevada near Reno.
The White Hat Military Operations silently seized the Chain of Command of the Vatican Empire and in 2016 they askedDr. Charlie Ward and his team to remove 650 plane loads of gold from the 150 mile long tunnel (connecting Switzerland to Israel) that ran beneath the Vatican.
The Vatican had maintained extensive records, including from where the gold was stolen. The gold was returned to countries of original origin, mainly the US.
In April 2016 certain patriotic members of Congress formed the new US Republic, US Treasury and US currency notes.
In that same April 2016 the Dragon Families excused all US debt when their gold from the Vatican-Switzerland Tunnel was placed in the new US Treasury in Reno.
Record Bankruptcy in US, Anna khait
1. Victoria’s Secret declared bankruptcy.
2. Zara closed 1,200 stores.
3. La Chapelle withdrew 4391 stores.
4. Chanel is discontinued.
5. Hermes is discontinued.
6. Patek Philippe discontinued production.
7. Rolex discontinued production.
8. The world’s luxury industry has crumpled.
9. Nike has a total of $23 billion US dollars preparing for the second stage of layoffs.
10. Gold’s gym filed for bankruptcy
11. The founder of AirBnb said, 12 years of efforts were destroyed in 6 weeks.
12. Even Starbucks announced to permanently close their 400 stores.
13. We Work isn’t in a great spot either
1. Biggest Car Rental company (Hertz) filed for bankruptcy – they also own Thrifty and Dollar
2. Biggest Trucking company (Comcar) filed for bankruptcy – they have 4000 trucks
3. Oldest retail company (JC Penny) filed for bankruptcy – to be acquired by Amazon for pennies
4. Biggest investor in the world (Warren Buffet) lost $50B in the last 2 months
5. Biggest investment co. in the world (BlackRock) is signalling disaster in the world economy – they manage over $7 Trillion
6. Biggest mall in America (Mall of America) stopped paying mortgage payments
7. Most reputable airline in the world (Emirates) laying off 30% of its employees
8. US Treasury printing trillions to try to keep the economy on life support
9. Estimated no. of retail stores closing in 2020 – 12,000 to 15,000.
Closing: Nissan Motor Co. may close down in USA- J. Crew– Gap- Victoria’s Secret- Bath & Body Works- Forever 21– Sears– Walgreens– GameStop- Pier 1 Imports– Nordstrom– Papyrus- Chico’s- Destination Maternity- Modell’s- A.C. Moore- Macy’s– Bose- Art Van Furniture- Olympia Sports- K Mart- Specialty Cafe & Bakery
Must Watch Videos:
Sun. 18 Sept. Juan O Savin:
Sun. 18 Sept. Juan O Savin: Juan O’ Savin: Huge Intel -“We Are on Our Way” (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
Sun 18 Sept. X22 Report: X22 Report: Deep State Has No Idea Of The Sleeping Giant They Have Awoken! Nothing Can Stop This! – Must Video | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (
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