4-4-24 Conservative Commandos Topics: State of Emergency

9 months ago

Tony Shaffer is a renowned former intelligence officer, author, and national security expert -- President of Project Sentinel. He is a Newsmax contributor and frequent TV and Radio commentator as well as host of the radio show The Hard Truth on America Out Loud Talk Radio Network. Shaffer published memoirs of his time as a reports officer in Afghanistan in a book titled Operation Dark Heart. The Defense Department bought and destroyed 10,000 copies of the book's first, uncensored run, before allowing the release of a second, censored printing with redactions on approximately 250 pages. Shaffer was a member of the Able Danger project, having joined in 1999. TOPIC: National Secutity issues both in the U.S. and abroad

Damon Galdo is a union carpenter, construction superintendent, husband, and father who is campaigning for the Republican nomination for Congress in New Jersey's 1st Congressional District. Getting into politics was never something Damon planned on doing. However, when he looked at his children and at the direction this country is heading, he feared for the future, and has decided that he could not wait for someone else to make a change. As they say, if you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself. With that, Damon jumped in! TOPIC: New CCRShow co-host and platform plus Galdo's PLATFORM

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