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TELL About Jesus For Liberty

11 months ago

No matter where you are, you should SPEAK OUT about JESUS! I site examples. Our LIBERTY BELL is broken, 1776 to 1976, a bicentennial year of 200 years of liberty I WON A USA BEAUTY PAGEANT. I went to a Katy Christian Chamber of Commerce conference and met some people. I share all ABOUT "Real Time" by George Foreman challenge: pain relief to gain: askmikemartin dot com his SOLUTION for PAIN. Then I share about HOPE: familyhopefulshear.org, who helps immigrants here in Houston Texas. THEY HELP NEEDY PEOPLE HERE IN THE USA. A BUSINESS GROWTH SEMINAR is happening at howardpartridgebootcamp.com also. Then I share stories about how to TELL all about Jesus in public. Do this for our liberty in Jesus. You will learn the importance of open conversation in public to witness. (13 minutes)


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