500,000 Plus Americans Dead From The Jab

3 months ago

at one time the VAERS data base had over 30,000 reported Deaths and They Slowly Erased Those Numbers down to what this Doctor Is Reporting it says at 18,000 whatever, if you take the 1% reporting rate ratio and apply it to the numbers in 2021, you get even more Deaths than his estimate here, so while many will say His number is too high. i say it isn't high enough. Double That Is More Like it, and That Is Not Including Millions more Injuries That Most of will be Life Shortening over Time. These numbers Also Do Not Reflect Al The People They Killed During Covid With Their Protocols in The Hospitals. It Seems That People Forget That They Already Tried To Kill All Of You. Palestine, Lahaina, Bridges, Towers, Other Proxy Killings, Just Drops in The Bucket To Them. Let Me Repeat. They Are Actively Trying To Kill Everyone !! When That Simple Fact Finally Sinks In In Mass. Then We Can Finally Make Real Change. Instead Of Allowing These Same Killers To Be "Leaders" Of Our Society. If You Truly Pick Up That Cross, You Become Outlaw, Rebel, Free, Like He Was. Will The Man Stomp On You, Yes, Like They Did To Him. For Not Going Along With The Devils System And It's Minions.
i Did Not Like This Pharma Lover When He First Showed up on the Scene. Thought He Was Controlled Op. However, i Think His Eyes Have been Somewhat Opened To The Truth Of This Agenda, even If He Does Still Believe in His Profession. People With His Credentials Are Essential To Bring Awareness & Change In This Society.

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