I AM PRIMARY SOURCE conversation after # 47 4-8-2024

3 months ago

This conversation is a heaping serving of Divine Love and Wisdom!

Jesus is continuing His Mission until it is complete. Until we the Children of God have been restored fully into the Divine Love of God, the I AM. Learn how important Divine Love is to our lives.

How evil uses fear to separate us from God. Here is the progression:

discomfort – fear – harmful antidote - more fear – hypnotic control – can’t think clearly/forgetfulness – subjugation - loss of free will.

How we can free ourselves AND others.

Generous encouragement and practical understanding, Including about what Trump is doing!

Genesis 1:26-27

MIRACLE FINALE!!! Our Creator God actually comes to talk with us, as the Lord God walked through the Garden in the cool of the day and talked with His children.

Their message is truly of Divine Love. Experience it yourself. At ~ 56:35

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