14. Instruments of Expression - Potent and effective suggestion - William Walker Atkinson

3 months ago

Mind-Power: The Secret of Mental Magic - An audiobook from William Walker Atkinson
Chapter 14. Instruments of Expression
For more on New Thought: https://everythingnewthought.com/

Next in order in our list of instruments of channels of mentative expression is the eye, that most wonderful of all the human organs, and which is as much an instrument for the expression of Mind-Power as it is an instrument for receiving the sense-impression of sight. Let us consider it in its former aspect. In the first place, the eye is one of the most potent and effective instruments of suggestion, although I have not included it in that class. The expression of the eye will induce mental conditions in others along the lines of suggestion, and those who understand and have mastered this art of using the eyes have at their disposal a wonderful instrument of suggestive influence. Those of us who have ever met a very "magnetic" man, or a "charming and fascinating" woman, have carried away with us a lively recollection of "the expression of the eyes" of such a person.
— William Walker Atkinson

"The universe is a great organism, controlled by a dynamism
of the psychical order. Mind gleams through its every atom....
There is mind in everything, not only in human and animal life,
but in plants, in minerals, in space.
— Flammarion, the famous French astronomer and author

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