Australian Covid Inquiry Silences Grieving Mother to "Protect the Vaccine"

9 months ago

Caitlin was 23 years old when she was mandated to take two doses of a covid injection in order to keep her job. She became extremely unwell after her second dose, never recovered, and then died from a sudden cardiac arrest. Her mother Raelene gave this testimony to the Joint Parliamentary Covid Inquiry in 2021.

Raelene then submitted to the Australian Covid-19 Response Inquiry established by the current government. Interestingly, their remit is identical to the remits of other national inquiries: "to identify lessons learned to improve Australia’s preparedness for future pandemics." There are many pandemics in our future, which will be responded to in the same way as Covid which saw the largest upward transfer of wealth in history and helped cement plans for global governance. These plans are being advanced by international legislation to be voted on at the World Health Assembly in Geneva at the end of May 2024. Read more here:

Raelene's Submission 1784 has been entirely redacted by the panel who claim that it involves "a third party" who did not consent. The third party is Raelene's dead daughter! If Raelene cannot speak for her, then who can?! Find the redacted document here:

WHY are officials hiding the evidence from grieving families across the western world? The ONLY answer can be, that they are cowardly bowing to the demands of a criminal cartel imposing identical systems on our nation states.

Have you sided with these criminals so far? Will you continue to side with them once it is your own family who is dead or maimed? Will you continue to side with them once it is your own voice that is strangled into silence?


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