Passover 19 2024

5 months ago

Today we go over the scriptures of Moses and his sermon/song to the children of Israel which surprisingly explains where we are today regarding this church age and the status of the ecclesia. We are moved to make an action for repentance and also are made aware of the great price and motive of Love that Yeshua saved us.
We are also encouraged to fasten ourselves to The Rock, "which cannot move," and ground ourselves in this most tumultuous time, 2024. This weekend marks the last of weeks on YHWH's calendar and we will be starting a New Year from Him which also heralds in the true date of Yeshua's death, burial, and resurrection. Stay with me through this teaching as we enjoy stepping in to the Passover steps of our Passover Lamb, Yeshua, the Son of YHWH that took away the sins of the world!
Image of the lengths the Eagle will go through to protect the chicks:

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