169. Stealth Infections Part 5 - Dr. Lewis

11 months ago

You might be surprised to find that the VP of Scientific Affairs for Eli Lilly published a paper ....

In “Infectious Causes of Chronic Inflammatory Diseases and Cancer,” [[i]] Dr Gail Cassell leads with,
“Powerful diagnostic technology, plus the realization that organisms of otherwise unimpressive virulence can produce slowly progressive chronic disease with a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations and disease outcomes,
has resulted in the discovery of new infectious agents and new concepts of infectious diseases.
The demonstration that final outcomes of infection are as much determined by the epigenetic background of the patient as by the genetic makeup of the infecting agent indicates that,
one or more infectious agents cause many chronic diseases of unknown etiology.”

[i] Cassell, Gail H. "Infectious causes of chronic inflammatory diseases and cancer." Emerging Infectious Diseases 4, no. 3 (1998): 475.

20:07:39 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing : stool test
20:10:41 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Thank you dr. Michelle - never hesitate to chime in
20:22:52 From Ferd Berfel : Can you guys address how to avoid/deal with the Herxheimer reaction?
With IgM EBV, I find that mild natural anti-microbials such as coconut oil, or even bee pollen trigger a moderate Herx reaction that I'd like to avoid.
20:43:36 From Brenda : What do you think of carnivore diets?
20:45:52 From Alison Reece : Dr Mercola has recently had an epiphany that keto can be good short term to gain metabolic flexibility but ultimately we need carbs (as well as meat) because cells using ketones is very inefficient energy-wise.
20:46:38 From Brenda : Thank you.
20:47:40 From Doris Fellenz : That is nuts! Cricket flour, that will stop us from eating process food.
20:47:56 From Lynn McGaha : Crickets and other insects have chitin in them, which is toxic to human when eaten.
20:49:42 From WG : I've read that alkaline foods digested make you acidic and visa versa.. If you are eating alkaline foods in the mouth you will grow some bacteria that leads to cavities and acidic foods will grow other bacteria that leads to periodontal inflammation.....any ideas /opinins on this?
20:49:54 From Maura : Healy
20:49:56 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : MAy I share the link for my webinar on Cleansing?
20:50:56 From Maura : Bernadine healy
20:53:20 From Maura : Reacted to "Crickets and other i…" with 👍
20:54:14 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing : Join me tomorrow for a webinar on Cleansing https://sankofahealing.synduit.com/SC0007
20:54:30 From Electron Recycler : Reacted to "Join me tomorrow for..." with 👍
20:55:03 From WG : I believe that lumbrokinase goes after the fibrinogen hairlike structures that are embedded in plaque
20:56:48 From Maura : What is a healthy fibrinogen level
20:57:11 From Martha Stark, MD : Reacted to "Join me tomorrow for..." with ❤️
20:57:41 From Lynn McGaha : Did the person with high WBC after heavy antibiotics have his dental health checked?
20:58:53 From WG : I think it is a comparative thing in each individual as you eat/live/and respond to whatever you are doing. You watch it and do what you need to do to be affective
20:59:49 From Lynn McGaha : Could atrial fibrillation be caused by an occult cryptic chronic infection?
21:00:04 From Ferd Berfel : Defensive anemia, wherein the body yanks iron from the blood to keep it from pathogens - how does one experiencing this fatiguing phenomenon manage this?
21:02:00 From WG : afib: carnitine, carnosine, ubiquinol, ribose, oils, Mg
21:02:04 From Maura : Are all these coming from those bio labs like the plum island one
21:04:09 From Brenda : Anyone know of a good vibration plate?
21:05:02 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing : Join me tomorrow for a webinar on Holistic Cleansing https://sankofahealing.synduit.com/SC0007
21:06:11 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Fibrinogen level: 185 - 285 - optimal is around 250
21:06:53 From eileen armes : what time is the holistic cleansing webinar?
21:06:59 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Some of them are coming from the lab on Long Island - cold springs - and the islands off of mass/ny
21:07:19 From Dr. Tom Lewis : I think the high wire went over this last week or the week before.
21:08:18 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Ferd: You treat the elevated or suppressed WBCs and iron will return to normal - usually.
21:08:21 From Doris Fellenz : Brenda, Yes. Go to Becky Chambers website. She has a whole body vibrator for about $800 and a foot vibrator @ $149. Tell her I sent you and she will give you a discount. I am Doris Fellenz. See: https://bcvibranthealth.com/ and go to products.
21:08:59 From Dr. Tom Lewis : That person we documented had an exceptional oral DNA test.
21:10:17 From Brenda : Thank you Doris.
21:10:32 From Doris Fellenz : Dr. Gamble, will that webinar be available to watch later, I have a service meeting at 7:30 and I never miss it.
21:11:40 From WG : Any experience in how to raise the body temp to higher than 103 so the lyme organism will die off ?
21:12:56 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing : Cleanse Webinar is 8pmEST
21:13:26 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing : Sory - 7pm EST
21:14:16 From Doris Fellenz : My meeting ends at 9:30 Dr. Gamble, will it be recorded?

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