April 2, 2024 #707/ The cloud maker imitates the four gas giants!

11 months ago

increase in earthquakes
layers? layering up
cumulous couds will be next sign
solar flares...earthquakes, volcanoes, more storms
manmade gas...has kept humans in a sleepy state
the cloud maker
mj....heal the world...message!
solar eclipse we need to rise above before solar eclipse
age of aquarius ....ice age/ noahs ark...

men in black.... will smith with the glasses
saturns moon
moon is fake
the moon is at its end
store on water before contamination
different galaxies are all experiencing the same as us.... come together with other worlds...donot fear it.....ai is different
devine union
stand up. dont accept ai!
state of freedom
memory bank
meeting someone with a similar story as you at this time
also someone checking in on you in a good way
inertia state......ai wants humans to resist change!

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