Interview 722 with Jason aka Selgovae Pecht Canadian Infantry Regular Force

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Jason aka Selgovae Pecht served 13 yrs in 2 of Canada's infantry Regular Force Regts, The PPCLI 1st Bn and 3rd Bn of the RCR, and later was part of one of the first groups created for Canada's upgraded security force in 2002 known as NRT.

With some speciality tasks within that protection force spectrum there after. C.A.T, Tactical Shooting Instructor and other tasks some less glorious.
In 2019 i became aware of what appeared, to me, to be a fair apprehension of evasion to duty of care to employees that were Veterans with diagnosed or active triggered mental health, in particular, but later appeared to be vaster in scope and it appears was a systemic practice to staff in general and fraudulent and criminal and offense to Canadian Dignity norms morally.

I am a whistle blower to this at Canada's largest nuclear power plant.
Following this i think became involved in the resistance to the covid agenda (Same employer IS invested in this i suggest) and I then sought to participate in the trucker convoy in what is now apparent was the infancy of facet of the concept as far as i can tell so far.

I was under a number of Intelligence agencies "WATCH LIST" and was on a "snatch and arrest" list executed same time as all the convoy leadership.
I am, to my knowledge, the only man yet to say they seen pat king in a cell. I was perp walked past him and waved off.

I have spent the last 5 yrs resisting a corruption and unpacking it as i went and through the lens of all my former skills of memory and awareness and research to laws and jurisdiction all knowledge harvested from training and experiences from my service both in and out of the military and the present system practiced logic that offends all that training and spirit it was done.

I have in this Odessey discovered many points that all need know now and i must share.

I am very grateful for being invited and allowed to present these points to viewers in good faith.


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