"1992 Consensus" is to take back Taiwan in the name of eradicating “Taiwan Independence”

9 months ago

4/1/2024 Song Tao, Director of the PRC State Council Office for Taiwan Affairs, met with Ma Ying-jeou in Shenzhen, where they both emphasized their adherence to the "1992 Consensus" and their opposition to “Taiwan independence”. Mr. Miles Guo mentioned on October 10, 2021 that the essence of the "1992 Consensus" is to take back Taiwan in the name of eradicating “Taiwan Independence”.
#CCP #TakedowntheCCP #Taiwan #1992Consensus
4/1/2024 国务院台办主任宋涛在深圳与马英九会面,二人均强调坚持“九二共识”、反对“台独”。文贵先生在2021年10月10日提到“九二共识”就是以灭台独为名拿回台湾。
#中共 #消灭中共 #台湾 #九二共识

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