Raw dairy products specially Raw Milk is the best!

11 months ago

Raw dairy products specially Raw Milk is the best!

This video is really informative about how the pasteurization process is making milk becomes way less beneficial for our health. they did this on purpose so that people get sick and rush to swallowing bug pharma pills!!!

Liquid Gold or Poison: The Battle Over an Age-Old Beverage
Investigate the surprising resurgence of a once-banned drink. Uncover the arguments for and against its consumption, and the implications for public health and personal choice.
* In a December 2023 article, Claire Panosian Dunavan, a UCLA professor emeritus, questioned the appeal of raw milk, citing historical efforts to reduce infant mortality through pasteurization and expressing concerns over the risks of illness from pathogens in raw milk
* Sally Fallon Morell refutes claims about the heightened risk of illness from raw milk, pointing to data and analyses suggesting that the dangers are grossly overstated
* Historical declines in infant mortality were more due to sanitation and public health measures than the pasteurization of dairy
* Pasteurized milk has been shown to contribute to a range of health issues, including allergies and asthma
* Studies from Europe and anecdotal evidence have linked raw milk consumption to lower rates of asthma, allergies, and stronger bones, among other health advantages

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