9 months ago

If you’re in America right now, the FBI is busy watching your social media interactions. In this video a Muslim woman from Oklahoma City is visited by agents who said Facebook had flagged her pro-Palestinian posts. They claim it’s a routine check, to make sure she has no ‘real bad intent.’ Rolla Abdeljawad, whose parents are from Egypt, refused to speak with them without her lawyer who then put the video online.

It’s not clear which of her posts grabbed the FBI’s attention. In some it’s reported she describes Israel as ‘Israhell’ In others it's claimed she wrote: ‘May Allah destroy every single despicable zionist, their supporters and backers.’ She also explains her unwavering support for Palestinians and says she’ll continue to highlight their plight.

Rolla makes it clear freedom of speech is her constitutional right. The incident has sparked widespread debate. Tell us what you think about what happened.

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