Southern flights, ships, and longitude lines on the Flat Map - @jeranism - see description

2 months ago

This video was edited from a 3-and-a-half-hour-long livestream by jeranism
Full vid:
➖I looked into the distances and paths for the flights. The distances and paths match reality. Navigation maps have to be accurate. Navigators do not use a globe, they use a flat map. I am not saying this is the flat map 100% correct map, what I am saying is the data they put on it is very accurate as to what they claim the distances are on a globe. No greater circles either....What I find the most curious about such a detailed map, is why so much detail. You can zoom in to read the fine print of all the little islands. If they claim it is just a visual aid, why go into that amount of detail?
The trigonometry for the distances is right. The distances and general directions of the flights on this map seem dead on. It is admitted by geography that the longitudes are correct. They just say the latitudes are not accurate.
✈️Using flight times is really a bad method. Airplanes ride on jet streams that can make the flight way faster or slower. The jet streams in the south are extremely powerful and unlike anywhere else on earth. This is the method most use to claim a map as false. When in fact they are using the improper in flight speed to determine this fact. Saying a plane flies at 540mph, when it can reach almost 900 on a Jetstream, is not logical or empirical. The jet streams can also be flowing in different altitudes at different altitudes... The Jet streams are not always going in one direction.
Southern hemisphere flights and ships are notorious for their unusually long delays.
This is because they are going a further distance and speed and require the use of jet streams more than other flights. Sometimes they are hours late, and if the distance really was as short as they say on the globe, the plane must've been flying at a snail's pace to have been so late. The only explanation is they are going farther. Southern hemisphere flights are extremely rare, unreliable, and expensive. Most Southern hemisphere flights will take a long detour into the Northern hemisphere, in a way that only makes sense on a flat earth map.
You also need to take into consideration how Maps are Manipulated. With most maps (including google maps) the Northern Hemisphere artificially enlarged, Southern Hemisphere shrunk, affecting distances. Maps do not accurately represent the actual distances and routes.
So latitude distances in the south are not nearly as far it seems. See vid:
💨Another problem for the globe, it the fact that most of the jet streams flow with the supposed spin of the earth. If the surface of the earth is spinning hundreds of miles per hour (1000 mph at the equator) then is seems that the atmosphere would be dragging behind, against the spin of the earth, not speeding ahead.

How Boat Speeds Hide the Truth
The Truth About Sydney to Santiago
How Time Zones Hide the Truth
Flights PROVE Flat Map
Flight times work perfectly on FE
How a Pilot Ended the Globe - Part 2
Flat Map Proven By Patent
the real map
QANTAS FlLT QF-27 flight ends the globe

Do your own research!
Avoid using the deepstate-controlled algorithms!
I recommend that you use rumble, bitchute, and yandex (NOT GOOGLE)
Bypass the YouTube algorithm with these playlists.
2 Second FE playlist (includes FE music)
3 third FE playlist
4 fourth playlist: THE FIRMAMENT
5 fifth playlist: Experts speak out
🤳𝕤𝕦𝕓𝕤𝕔𝕣𝕚𝕓𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕞𝕪 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕥𝕦𝕓𝕖📺

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