Do eclipses cause earthquakes and tsunamis?

11 months ago

Do eclipses cause earthquakes and tsunamis?

According to ancient Indian texts of Brihat-Samhita (Adhyay 5, S. 32-34) and Garg-Samhita floods and major earthquakes are caused by Rahu and Ketu and they mostly occur couple of weeks before and after the eclipses.

The USGS calculation estimates a 3x increased risk of an earthquake during new moon and full moon. And as we know eclipses happens on the new moon and full moon days, there is much evidence of large earthquakes occurring before or after an eclipse. Earthquakes in Gujarat India (2001), Turkey (2003), Alaska (2003), Japan (2004), Sumatra (2007), Peru (2007), Indonesia (2008), Nepal (2015), India (2022) happened within 2 weeks prior or after the eclipse. The mainstream media will, as usual, fact check this as false and declare it unscientific.

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