Solar Eclipse in Aries influence for each astrological sign #solareclipse #allsigns #astrology

2 months ago

The most important Solar eclipse of 2024 is happening on the 8th of April at 19 degrees and 24 minutes in the sign of Aries.
On Tarotary Channel we will be talking about the astrological energy surrounding a solar eclipse in Aries, along with things to be aware of.
A transcript of the video is uploaded on

00:00 Intro
05:13 Aries ♈️
08:41 Taurus ♉️
12:53 Gemini ♊️
16:51 Cancer ♋️
20:41 Leo ♌️
24:52 Virgo ♍️
33:13 Libra ♎️
37:18 Scorpio ♏️
26:21 Sagittarius ♐️
41:10 Capricorn ♑️
44:41 Aquarius ♒️
49:12 Pisces ♓️

#solareclipse #solareclipseinaries #tarotary #astrology #generalthemes #collectivenergy #keythemes #allsigns #aries #taurus #gemini #cancer #leo #virgo #libra #scorpio #sagittarius #capricorn #aquarius #pisces

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