Kid On Rope Swing Takes Out Little Brother

6 years ago

Rope swings are thing that people use to swing over things. This is a fact, yes. Sometimes though they use vines. Wow. So amazing.

Rope swings are super fun and an extension of every kid’s desire to be Tarzan!

Tarzan at this point in time is a cultural icon that has been around for just over a century. Seriously, the first book that Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote featuring Tarzan was published in 1912. Tarzan is one of the most popular characters of all time, and supposedly his first book has been adapted for cinema more than any other book. Fun fact: There are 24 novels in the main Tarzan line. There are also a number of related books and licensed works that have been over the decades since Burroughs death in 1950. It turns out that the Burroughs estate is quite protective of his works. In a bit of a copyright kerfuffle, the copyright on the first Tarzan book has expired, but the name Tarzan is still protected.

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