Sacred Energy Xchange 👇 Male (electric energy), and Female (magnetic energy)

10 months ago

Sacred Energy Xchange👇🏽

Male (electric energy ⚡️), and Female (magnetic energy 🧲) to attract each other to be able to catalyze 2+1 = 3 holy trinity which becomes ONE with SOURCE.

The original intention of Sex (Sacred Energy Xchange) was to be able to merge energy centers/DNA/codes, and to take the most creative energy in the world (sexual energy), and shoot it up the spine (throne of God), intot he heart and third eye, and blink in/out, and bring back Source codes into the body/auric field to cataylze ascension.

The female holds the key 🔑 - when she feels safe and loved, through foreplay and opening hte gates, her pelvic floor will magnetize, preparing for blast off, then the energy centers can merge, and if cimaxing at the same time through communication, the force an atomic bomb is released from the cells which can be moved to the heart/third eye, then straight to Source, and catalyze ascension, and strengthen the auric field for the mission - liberation of All sentient BE-ings.

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